With a good 1 to 2 inch layer of organic compost over your garden bed, and a cover crop of green manure planted from seed in the fall, you will be on your way to improving your garden soil for next year's planting. Sown from seed, cover crops germinate very quickly and will grow all winter long. Then simply till the cover crop in once it flowers in spring. The cover crop's foliage will help protect the soil from getting compacted, which can happen in constant winter rain or from blanketing of snow. And when you till it in, the foliage adds organic material that will improve soil structure, increase nutrients and help your soil retain moisture.
Plants in the the legume family, commonly known as the pea family, bean family or pulse family, include soybean, alfalfa, vetch or fava beans. These are some of the best cover crops available (check online seed companies and nurseries). Legume plants are special in that they will retain nutrients that will then be returned to the soil when tilled in, thereby providing nutrients for your spring and summer crops next year. These crops have assertive root systems, which are helpful in breaking up hard soils. They are also very hardy and frost tolerant.
Cover crop seeds can be broadcast in mid-October right over that one to two inch layer of compost and all around the fall crops that are currently growing in your garden. Fall cover crops will grow quickly and reduce weed problems, but won't grow tall enough to overwhelm existing plantings.
Making organic compost for your fall cover crop is easy with tumbling composters. Look for models with more than one section inside: one for new compostable materials and one section for completed compost. If you live where there are temperature extremes, consider one of the Jora tumbling composting machines. They are manufactured in Sweden, and insulated to withstand temperature extremes.
Happy Composting!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Preparing for Winter - Reviewing Your Garden Journal
I wrote in June about keeping a Garden Journal, which might include a map of your garden, what was planted and where, how often it was watered, even details about amounts of sunlight it received and the temperatures it experienced. Written down should also be information on the yields you've experienced from your vegetables, what you liked and what you weren't so crazy about. These bits of information can help you prepare your garden for winter.
Preparing your garden for the winter should include planning for next year. It doesn't have to be exact, but a general idea can help you decide where to put the bulk of your compost. Plants should be grown in different areas of the garden every year, most especially tomatoes, as they absorb different nutrients from the soil. But most will benefit from a fresh place in the garden. Plants that need more fertilizer and water should be grouped together for most effective use of both; an example would be peppers and tomatoes; squash and beans.
After pulling up annuals and weeding, the next step is a good layer of compost to condition the soil for next spring's planting. Our tumbling composters have been busily making nutrient rich organic compost all spring and summer, so we have plenty of compost to spread around. We'll put down a two inch deep layer of compost to enrich the soil and act as a mulch, conserving moisture and reducing the odd winter weed. We use our Fold-A-Cart to get the compost where it's needed. It's pretty easy to park our Fold-A-Cart under the compost machine, dump the compost in and wheel it to wherever in the garden we need it. This cart is especially nice because it is so easy to clean up afterwards, and it has two ten-inch pneumatic rubber tires that give it a great center of gravity and prevent tipping like our old wheelbarrow used to want to do. When we're done spreading the compost layer, we'll give everything a good soaking to provide the moisture that our garden worms need in order to do their jobs. Another spray with the hose and the Fold-A-Cart is ready to be folded down to 20% of its usable size and hung in the garage.
Even though I still have lots of vegetables in my garden (the warm weather still hangs on!): tomatoes, beets, beans, chard and spinach, I'll be updating my garden journal this weekend on what worked in the garden and where I need to move things next year. When we finally do get cold weather, all the refuse from the garden will go back into the tumbling composters to help make more compost for the spring planting.
Happy Composting!
Preparing your garden for the winter should include planning for next year. It doesn't have to be exact, but a general idea can help you decide where to put the bulk of your compost. Plants should be grown in different areas of the garden every year, most especially tomatoes, as they absorb different nutrients from the soil. But most will benefit from a fresh place in the garden. Plants that need more fertilizer and water should be grouped together for most effective use of both; an example would be peppers and tomatoes; squash and beans.
After pulling up annuals and weeding, the next step is a good layer of compost to condition the soil for next spring's planting. Our tumbling composters have been busily making nutrient rich organic compost all spring and summer, so we have plenty of compost to spread around. We'll put down a two inch deep layer of compost to enrich the soil and act as a mulch, conserving moisture and reducing the odd winter weed. We use our Fold-A-Cart to get the compost where it's needed. It's pretty easy to park our Fold-A-Cart under the compost machine, dump the compost in and wheel it to wherever in the garden we need it. This cart is especially nice because it is so easy to clean up afterwards, and it has two ten-inch pneumatic rubber tires that give it a great center of gravity and prevent tipping like our old wheelbarrow used to want to do. When we're done spreading the compost layer, we'll give everything a good soaking to provide the moisture that our garden worms need in order to do their jobs. Another spray with the hose and the Fold-A-Cart is ready to be folded down to 20% of its usable size and hung in the garage.
Even though I still have lots of vegetables in my garden (the warm weather still hangs on!): tomatoes, beets, beans, chard and spinach, I'll be updating my garden journal this weekend on what worked in the garden and where I need to move things next year. When we finally do get cold weather, all the refuse from the garden will go back into the tumbling composters to help make more compost for the spring planting.
Happy Composting!
tumbling composters,
water conservation
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Thinning and Transplanting Purple Bearded Iris
Two weeks ago the tops of my Purple Bearded Iris were cut back to about 4 inches above the ground. They were ready, I was ready...they were overcrowded and not producing flowers like they used to. Also, the rhizomes were snaking out of the ground. The root systems were so bunched up that the roots were pushing the rhizomes to the surface. So today was the day for thinning and transplanting them. One large bunch had been planted in river rocks, thus all the rocks needed to be moved first (and continuously, since many seemed to have burrowed their way into the ground). Using a garden fork, I loosened the soil around the rhizomes, then removed the clumps of rhizomes in as large a bunch as I could handle. I carefully brushed the excess dirt off of the roots so they could be inspected, and placed the rhizomes in my folding cart.
It's important that you check the iris rhizomes for root borers or for softness and throw away any that are diseased or bug damaged. Luckily all my rhizomes were healthy, and I have enough to share with neighbors and co-workers.
I kept rhizomes with leaf fans that were each in pieces about 3 - 5 inches long for replanting. Four spots in my garden were selected that had the right combination of room and light. Holes deep and wide enough for groupings of 3-5 rhizomes were dug, then the rhizomes were placed just below ground level and facing away from each other with the roots spreading out. Next came a covering of organic compost over around the roots and over all in a mound that covers the leaves. Finally the mound was watered well, and will be watered with my garden drip until first frost. They'll get some moisture throughout the winter with snow melt and some BiOWiSH™ Crop to promote good absorption of the nutrients in the compost. My Purple Bearded Iris are set for roots to re-establish themselves in preparation of a glorious springtime bloom across the expanse of my back fence. Happy Composting!
It's important that you check the iris rhizomes for root borers or for softness and throw away any that are diseased or bug damaged. Luckily all my rhizomes were healthy, and I have enough to share with neighbors and co-workers.
I kept rhizomes with leaf fans that were each in pieces about 3 - 5 inches long for replanting. Four spots in my garden were selected that had the right combination of room and light. Holes deep and wide enough for groupings of 3-5 rhizomes were dug, then the rhizomes were placed just below ground level and facing away from each other with the roots spreading out. Next came a covering of organic compost over around the roots and over all in a mound that covers the leaves. Finally the mound was watered well, and will be watered with my garden drip until first frost. They'll get some moisture throughout the winter with snow melt and some BiOWiSH™ Crop to promote good absorption of the nutrients in the compost. My Purple Bearded Iris are set for roots to re-establish themselves in preparation of a glorious springtime bloom across the expanse of my back fence. Happy Composting!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
The Benefits of Nurturing Your Soil
Nuturing your soil by adding organic matter is the number one foundation of gardening the organic way. Adding organic nutrients to the soil simulates what happens naturally. One of the best ways to provide organic nutrients to the soil is by adding mature compost.
This critical step to growing food organically by maintaining a supply of nutrients ready for your plants to take up as they need them is easy to do with a tumbling composter. Just add your organic kitchen scraps, yard refuse and BiOWiSH™ Compost Boost to your tumbling composter, give it a turn or two and plan where you'll be using the wonderful, rich compost that will result. Using organic compost, your plants will grow healthy and vigorously, which helps prevent attacks of pest and disease. You will also enjoy larger yields and quicker growing times.
Some of the other benefits from nurturing your soil with organic compost include:
1. It will improve the ability of your soil to retain moisture
2. Compost releases nutrients evenly and slowly
3. Your soil's microbiological activity will increase
4. Improved conditions and structure of your soil will mean a better environment for earthworms and healthy micro-organisms
5. It helps dispose of your organic waste
6. It reduces the loads on landfills
7. Composting will also reduce your water consumption
A tumbling composter will provide you with the above benefits and a continual supply of organic compost with which you can nurture your soil and plants. It's easy, healthful and cost effective, too. Stop by www.BestComposters.com and pick out a composter that will fit your budget and your gardening needs! Happy Composting!
This critical step to growing food organically by maintaining a supply of nutrients ready for your plants to take up as they need them is easy to do with a tumbling composter. Just add your organic kitchen scraps, yard refuse and BiOWiSH™ Compost Boost to your tumbling composter, give it a turn or two and plan where you'll be using the wonderful, rich compost that will result. Using organic compost, your plants will grow healthy and vigorously, which helps prevent attacks of pest and disease. You will also enjoy larger yields and quicker growing times.
Some of the other benefits from nurturing your soil with organic compost include:
1. It will improve the ability of your soil to retain moisture
2. Compost releases nutrients evenly and slowly
3. Your soil's microbiological activity will increase
4. Improved conditions and structure of your soil will mean a better environment for earthworms and healthy micro-organisms
5. It helps dispose of your organic waste
6. It reduces the loads on landfills
7. Composting will also reduce your water consumption
A tumbling composter will provide you with the above benefits and a continual supply of organic compost with which you can nurture your soil and plants. It's easy, healthful and cost effective, too. Stop by www.BestComposters.com and pick out a composter that will fit your budget and your gardening needs! Happy Composting!
tumbling composters,
water conservation
Monday, September 6, 2010
Readying the Garden for Fall
This was the perfect weekend for preparing my garden for fall. Today's temperature hovered around 70 degrees, with a little breeze and the bluest sky. I've harvested the lettuce and the beets, and a bush bean that hadn't done so well. Now I have room and cooler temperatures to allow for some more spinach and chard. But the soil looks like it needs a lift. It's a good thing that we've been composting all summer, putting into our tumbling composter all our kitchen scraps, some shredded newspaper and alittle hay. Now I have plenty of organic compost to amend my garden soil. As a mulch, it will retain moisture, so I can water less. It will also keep down the weeds that have sprouted up so prolifically in my walkways and rocks this year. Need I mention the nutrients that my organic compost will provide to the vegetables I'll plant? I can hardly wait for some fresh spinach salads!
I'm convinced that the biggest reason that we've been so successful with our composting is because we've used BiOWiSH™ Compost Boost regularly. It's kept the temperature of the compost at a regular 130 degrees to allow the organic matter to decompose at just the right rate. With all it's powerful enzymes, BiOWiSH™ Compost Boost has also prevented the odors that sometimes accompany compost. It doesn't mask the odor, but actually digests it.
Check our website for a variety of tumbling composters, paying particular attention to the Jora models for year round composting. And don't forget to order some BiOWiSH™ Compost Boost for your own compost piles for faster, better smelling, 100% organic compost for your garden. Happy Composting!
I'm convinced that the biggest reason that we've been so successful with our composting is because we've used BiOWiSH™ Compost Boost regularly. It's kept the temperature of the compost at a regular 130 degrees to allow the organic matter to decompose at just the right rate. With all it's powerful enzymes, BiOWiSH™ Compost Boost has also prevented the odors that sometimes accompany compost. It doesn't mask the odor, but actually digests it.
Check our website for a variety of tumbling composters, paying particular attention to the Jora models for year round composting. And don't forget to order some BiOWiSH™ Compost Boost for your own compost piles for faster, better smelling, 100% organic compost for your garden. Happy Composting!
odor removers,
tumbling composters,
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Growing Hydroponically and BiOWiSH™
Growing interest in hydroponics led me to review a study that had been done by BiOWiSH™ Technologies and a lettuce farm that had shown dramatic results. The farm in question had seven greenhouses with a variety of lettuces, all grown on Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) tables.
The lettuce farm used BiOWiSH™ Crop to treat the water that was flowing through the dripper lines, micro-tubes and NFT gulley floors. BiOWiSH™ Crop was a no-brainer for these purposes, since it increases the nutrient availability in water flowing to the plants' root systems. More nutrients mean better absorption, and more nutrients absorbed means bigger, healthier plants. That is, in fact, what happened. In the six week growth cycle, the farmer had lettuces that were double the usual size, all other factors being equal. And don't we all love bigger, healthier plants?! Especially when growing space is limited...you want to as large a crop as possible in the space available.
BiOWiSH™ Crop is 100% natural, biodegradable and safe for use in a wide range of consumer, commercial and industrial situations. With over 18 years of research and development, BiOWiSH™ products accelerate enzymatic reactions over a thousand times faster than normal speed. These enzymes breakdown all non-living organic matter, so in addition to increasing the hydroponic grows water nutrient availability, it also prevents sludge build-up and scaling in the water lines!
BiOWiSH™ Crop is now available at www.BestComposters.com. It should definitely be part of your hydroponic grow!
The lettuce farm used BiOWiSH™ Crop to treat the water that was flowing through the dripper lines, micro-tubes and NFT gulley floors. BiOWiSH™ Crop was a no-brainer for these purposes, since it increases the nutrient availability in water flowing to the plants' root systems. More nutrients mean better absorption, and more nutrients absorbed means bigger, healthier plants. That is, in fact, what happened. In the six week growth cycle, the farmer had lettuces that were double the usual size, all other factors being equal. And don't we all love bigger, healthier plants?! Especially when growing space is limited...you want to as large a crop as possible in the space available.
BiOWiSH™ Crop is 100% natural, biodegradable and safe for use in a wide range of consumer, commercial and industrial situations. With over 18 years of research and development, BiOWiSH™ products accelerate enzymatic reactions over a thousand times faster than normal speed. These enzymes breakdown all non-living organic matter, so in addition to increasing the hydroponic grows water nutrient availability, it also prevents sludge build-up and scaling in the water lines!
BiOWiSH™ Crop is now available at www.BestComposters.com. It should definitely be part of your hydroponic grow!
all natural,
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Save Money with Rain Barrels
Water being our most precious resource, it makes sense to conserve it wherever and whenever we can. After all, an average person can live on water alone for about eight weeks, give or take about a week for an over- or underweight person. That same person, without water, will perish within only a few days, depending on the temperature and how much they are sweating. And not only is water important for our own personal consumption. We also need water for our washing, gardening, cooking and pets.
One very smart way of conserving water is with a rain barrel from www.BestComposters.com. We have a number of sizes, shapes and colors that will provide your household with rainwater runoff. You’ll get ‘free’ water and reduce your monthly piped or well water consumption and your water bills. You’ll also be saving the energy that would be required to purify that rainwater in a treatment plant. Runoff from roofs can add up quickly, to like over 16.5 thousand gallons per year, or 65% of the annual water needed for an average landscaped yard – from a two thousand square foot roof. And untreated rainwater is better for plants.
Fresh water prices in the U.S. are averaging about $1 per 100 gallons, and we use typically 69.3 gallons per capita every day. Your savings will add up quickly with a rain barrel or two in your yard, on your patio or deck. Visit www.BestComposters.com today for competitive prices and great customer service!
One very smart way of conserving water is with a rain barrel from www.BestComposters.com. We have a number of sizes, shapes and colors that will provide your household with rainwater runoff. You’ll get ‘free’ water and reduce your monthly piped or well water consumption and your water bills. You’ll also be saving the energy that would be required to purify that rainwater in a treatment plant. Runoff from roofs can add up quickly, to like over 16.5 thousand gallons per year, or 65% of the annual water needed for an average landscaped yard – from a two thousand square foot roof. And untreated rainwater is better for plants.
Fresh water prices in the U.S. are averaging about $1 per 100 gallons, and we use typically 69.3 gallons per capita every day. Your savings will add up quickly with a rain barrel or two in your yard, on your patio or deck. Visit www.BestComposters.com today for competitive prices and great customer service!
rain barrel,
rain barrels,
rain water,
water conservation
Monday, August 23, 2010
Container Gardening
With times as they are in this economy, having vegetables and herbs grown at home can really stretch a budget. I’ve been spending a lot less at the grocery this summer with the produce from my garden as a supplement. We’re fortunate to have room in our yard to have a sizable garden, but you can grow your own fresh organic vegetables in containers very easily.
I like to set up a drip irrigation system for my container garden, ala my husband, since plants do much better if they are on a set watering schedule. We feed them regularly, as well, and nip off dead or yellowed leaves. I recommend tomatoes in sunny locations, whether upright or hanging ones. There are so many different types of tomatoes you can choose from, too, and a plethora of recipes that can accommodate this versatile veggie.
Some of the benefits to container gardening, aside from the fresh produce are:
- bugs and slugs are virtually non-problematic
- weeds are usually not a problem either
- you can have as many as you can fit or as few as you want to deal with
- almost anything can be used as a planting container, as long as it holds soil and has adequate drainage
- potting soil can be used with confidence, since they have the proper pH balance
- containers can be brought indoors when the weather turns cold so you can prolong your growing season
- container gardening beautifies your patio, porch or balcony with color and foliage
- even small, tight spaces like as window sills and steps can be utilized to grow herbs
- they love the compost that you've, hopefully, been making!
Happy Composting!
I like to set up a drip irrigation system for my container garden, ala my husband, since plants do much better if they are on a set watering schedule. We feed them regularly, as well, and nip off dead or yellowed leaves. I recommend tomatoes in sunny locations, whether upright or hanging ones. There are so many different types of tomatoes you can choose from, too, and a plethora of recipes that can accommodate this versatile veggie.
Some of the benefits to container gardening, aside from the fresh produce are:
- bugs and slugs are virtually non-problematic
- weeds are usually not a problem either
- you can have as many as you can fit or as few as you want to deal with
- almost anything can be used as a planting container, as long as it holds soil and has adequate drainage
- potting soil can be used with confidence, since they have the proper pH balance
- containers can be brought indoors when the weather turns cold so you can prolong your growing season
- container gardening beautifies your patio, porch or balcony with color and foliage
- even small, tight spaces like as window sills and steps can be utilized to grow herbs
- they love the compost that you've, hopefully, been making!
Happy Composting!
Monday, August 16, 2010
What to Do About Powdery Mildrew on Squash Leaves
There seems to be a lot of 'talk' on gardening websites about this common problem, but not many folks have a sure fire answer about what to do when your zucchini, yellow squash and cucumber plants develop a white, powdery mildew on their leaves. Some gardeners have said that it's a natural occurrence as temperatures begin to drop. Others say not to plant too closely together, as overcrowding can lead to the fungus. Still others have said their plants just develop this at the end of the season, so they do nothing.
Here in the Denver area we've had pretty steady high temps...fortunately for my veggies, but unfortunately for me! And I certainly hope that mid-August isn't to be considered close to the end of the growing season! Can't do anything about overcrowding at this point, unless I just want to get rid of otherwise healthy and productive plants. So my husband and I decided to try a product from BiOWiSH™ that is newly available in the US: BiOWiSH™ Crop. As always, we strive to make our gardening 100% organic, and so we're happy to be able to use BiOWiSH™ products because they're all 100% organic and environmentally safe. Some of the benefits of Crop include:
•Increases nutrient availability
•Reduces habitat for fungal spores
•Improves yields
•Improves plant health
•Increases total number of crops per annum
•100% natural and biodegradable
•Non-toxic and chemical-free
We saw a huge difference within 24 hours! The Powdery Mildew was almost completely gone. And we've got lots of lovely flowers on the plants, which I hope will turn into even lovelier zucchini and yellow squash...since I haven't made a single batch of zucchini bread yet!
Happy Composting!
Here in the Denver area we've had pretty steady high temps...fortunately for my veggies, but unfortunately for me! And I certainly hope that mid-August isn't to be considered close to the end of the growing season! Can't do anything about overcrowding at this point, unless I just want to get rid of otherwise healthy and productive plants. So my husband and I decided to try a product from BiOWiSH™ that is newly available in the US: BiOWiSH™ Crop. As always, we strive to make our gardening 100% organic, and so we're happy to be able to use BiOWiSH™ products because they're all 100% organic and environmentally safe. Some of the benefits of Crop include:
•Increases nutrient availability
•Reduces habitat for fungal spores
•Improves yields
•Improves plant health
•Increases total number of crops per annum
•100% natural and biodegradable
•Non-toxic and chemical-free
We saw a huge difference within 24 hours! The Powdery Mildew was almost completely gone. And we've got lots of lovely flowers on the plants, which I hope will turn into even lovelier zucchini and yellow squash...since I haven't made a single batch of zucchini bread yet!
Happy Composting!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Cleaning Up Naturally
We have a friend with a miniature golf course close by who was lamenting to my husband the other day about having to clean the bathrooms every night after the 'mishaps' of their cherished customers. Of course while they appreciate the business that their clients bring in, it's not a lot of fun cleaning up after them!
But they're closing times been much less gruesome now that they have BiOWiSH Cleaner-Deodorizer helping them. These hard working folks deserve a few breaks, afterall. Their stinky, germ filled chore is taken care of with a quick spray of BiOWiSH Cleaner-Deodorizer. It eliminates, instead of masking odors, because it digests the bacteria. And one package of BiOWiSH Cleaner-Deodorizer equals 2.5 gallons of cleaning and deodorizing power,so it costs under $5 per gallon. An all natural cleaner, completely safe around children and pets, and economical too!
Cleaner & Deodorizer is a unique chemical-free cleaning treatment for every household and office surface. Rid yourself of the worry of chemical cleaners with all BiOWiSH™ cleaning products, including Floor Wash, Odor, Septic Tank Aid, BiO-Stix Drain Cleaner, Pond & Fountain, Aqua and Cleaner & Degreaser. Visit us and view product details at www.BestComposters.com.
But they're closing times been much less gruesome now that they have BiOWiSH Cleaner-Deodorizer helping them. These hard working folks deserve a few breaks, afterall. Their stinky, germ filled chore is taken care of with a quick spray of BiOWiSH Cleaner-Deodorizer. It eliminates, instead of masking odors, because it digests the bacteria. And one package of BiOWiSH Cleaner-Deodorizer equals 2.5 gallons of cleaning and deodorizing power,so it costs under $5 per gallon. An all natural cleaner, completely safe around children and pets, and economical too!
Cleaner & Deodorizer is a unique chemical-free cleaning treatment for every household and office surface. Rid yourself of the worry of chemical cleaners with all BiOWiSH™ cleaning products, including Floor Wash, Odor, Septic Tank Aid, BiO-Stix Drain Cleaner, Pond & Fountain, Aqua and Cleaner & Degreaser. Visit us and view product details at www.BestComposters.com.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Got the Septic Tank Blues?
BiOWiSH™ Technologies Septic Rescue is especially designed for septic systems in failure mode. It's been found to be so effective that the manufacturer guarantees that clogged septic systems will be working smoothly again in only three days or they will provide a full refund! One box of Septic Rescue has three packets that are easy to use and money saving.
This 100% organic, biodegradable revolutionary product will, without a doubt, save thousands of dollars in pump-out or remediation costs. Foul odors emanating from septic tank failure will quickly be eliminated.
Septic Rescue is non-toxic, non-chemical and non-pathogenic, and provides up to 3 months of residual action with the easy, three-step treatment process.
Septic Rescue can be used in domestic septic systems and aerated wastewater systems.
We feel very strongly that, as Authorized Distributors of BiOWiSH™ products, we have the ability to care and respond to the overwhelming environmental concerns facing us today through these safe and organic products. Our products perform not just equally, but better than many well known brands and will drastically reduce the need for excessive and wasteful use of harsh chemicals. Septic Rescue is a cost effective means of preventing unnecessary maintenance expenses because it removes sludge build up and back up. Before you consider pumping out your septic system, try Septic Rescue. Effectively maintains a healthy septic system to avoid sludge build up and system back ups. Available through www.BestComposters.com.
This 100% organic, biodegradable revolutionary product will, without a doubt, save thousands of dollars in pump-out or remediation costs. Foul odors emanating from septic tank failure will quickly be eliminated.
Septic Rescue is non-toxic, non-chemical and non-pathogenic, and provides up to 3 months of residual action with the easy, three-step treatment process.
Septic Rescue can be used in domestic septic systems and aerated wastewater systems.
We feel very strongly that, as Authorized Distributors of BiOWiSH™ products, we have the ability to care and respond to the overwhelming environmental concerns facing us today through these safe and organic products. Our products perform not just equally, but better than many well known brands and will drastically reduce the need for excessive and wasteful use of harsh chemicals. Septic Rescue is a cost effective means of preventing unnecessary maintenance expenses because it removes sludge build up and back up. Before you consider pumping out your septic system, try Septic Rescue. Effectively maintains a healthy septic system to avoid sludge build up and system back ups. Available through www.BestComposters.com.
odor removers,
septic systems,
wastewater systems
Monday, July 19, 2010
Ponds & Fountains in Your Yards
Water is such an important part of our lives, and I can't think of anyone who doesn't enjoy the relaxing sound of a gurgling brook or splashing waterfall. Ponds and fountains in your yard adds value to your property...as long as they look and smell inviting! But let algae begin to take over and the attraction of your water feature will dwindle and turn to revulsion.
The best plan, of course, is to start out with a clean pond or fountain and maintain it with an environmentally friendly, 100% organic product, BiOWiSH™ Pond & Fountain Conditioner For you lucky folks who haven't yet filled or even built your pond, you can start off right by keeping it clean with monthly doses of BiOWiSH™ Pond & Fountain Conditioner.
If you find yourself having to fix a growing algae problem, you've probably dealt with chemical mixes to kill the algae, then something else to remove it and/or the odor. One of the benefits of BiOWiSH™ Pond & Fountain Conditioner is that, without chemicals, it consumes the algae instead of killing it. This process reduces accumulated bottom sludge and improve water clarity and odor.
When you first apply BiOWiSH™ Pond & Tank Conditioner, the biology of the water will be bought back to life. This can cause short-term darkening of water as bottom sludge gains buoyancy. This is all part of the accelerated decomposition process. Over the course of 1-2 weeks you will see the water becoming progressively clearer, blue green algal growth will be removed and sludge or waste accumulation will be eliminated. And there is no need to worry about adverse effects on aquatic plants or animals, pets or people. It's completely safe to use; a natural cleaner from the earth, for the earth. Visit us at www.BestComposters.com for all your organic cleaning needs - we are authorized distributors of BiOWiSH Technologies full line of products. Happy Composting!
The best plan, of course, is to start out with a clean pond or fountain and maintain it with an environmentally friendly, 100% organic product, BiOWiSH™ Pond & Fountain Conditioner For you lucky folks who haven't yet filled or even built your pond, you can start off right by keeping it clean with monthly doses of BiOWiSH™ Pond & Fountain Conditioner.
If you find yourself having to fix a growing algae problem, you've probably dealt with chemical mixes to kill the algae, then something else to remove it and/or the odor. One of the benefits of BiOWiSH™ Pond & Fountain Conditioner is that, without chemicals, it consumes the algae instead of killing it. This process reduces accumulated bottom sludge and improve water clarity and odor.
When you first apply BiOWiSH™ Pond & Tank Conditioner, the biology of the water will be bought back to life. This can cause short-term darkening of water as bottom sludge gains buoyancy. This is all part of the accelerated decomposition process. Over the course of 1-2 weeks you will see the water becoming progressively clearer, blue green algal growth will be removed and sludge or waste accumulation will be eliminated. And there is no need to worry about adverse effects on aquatic plants or animals, pets or people. It's completely safe to use; a natural cleaner from the earth, for the earth. Visit us at www.BestComposters.com for all your organic cleaning needs - we are authorized distributors of BiOWiSH Technologies full line of products. Happy Composting!
all natural,
water features
Monday, July 12, 2010
It's Been A While
I took some time off from blogging to attend to chores and a project that took many more hours than I'd planned for. But it's done and I'm back to write about the second planting!
Our lettuces did splendidly and we've been enjoying them with our meals. I wish that I could plant more at this time, but the heat of summer isn't conducive to new lettuce sprouts. Instead I planted more snap peas,green beans, spinach and beets. (The first planting of beets are doing well, and I am so tempted to pick and eat the greens! But you know how it is with greens...it takes a lot to make a meal, so I'll wait a while and build anticipation.) We've tried an experiment which I will duly note in my garden journal. Hubby suggested that I lay the seeds on top of the soil and cover them with compost. I'm confident that the rich, warm organic compost that we've been making will provide an excellent medium for seedlings to prosper.
And speaking of compost, it is NOT too late to get a batch started for your fall planting! Our Jora composters can turn your table scraps and yard waste into usable compost all year long. These composters are fully insulated and enclosed, allowing the microorganisms to break down your composting materials into a rich soil amendment that will nourish your plants continually. Compost is useful worked into the soil and as a mulch. My roses and clematis seem to have appreciated the compost mulch and started blooming like crazy!
So there is no reason to wait on that tumbling composter purchase. Take a look at the different sizes and models of Jora Composters at www.BestComposters.com. Happy Composting!
Our lettuces did splendidly and we've been enjoying them with our meals. I wish that I could plant more at this time, but the heat of summer isn't conducive to new lettuce sprouts. Instead I planted more snap peas,green beans, spinach and beets. (The first planting of beets are doing well, and I am so tempted to pick and eat the greens! But you know how it is with greens...it takes a lot to make a meal, so I'll wait a while and build anticipation.) We've tried an experiment which I will duly note in my garden journal. Hubby suggested that I lay the seeds on top of the soil and cover them with compost. I'm confident that the rich, warm organic compost that we've been making will provide an excellent medium for seedlings to prosper.
And speaking of compost, it is NOT too late to get a batch started for your fall planting! Our Jora composters can turn your table scraps and yard waste into usable compost all year long. These composters are fully insulated and enclosed, allowing the microorganisms to break down your composting materials into a rich soil amendment that will nourish your plants continually. Compost is useful worked into the soil and as a mulch. My roses and clematis seem to have appreciated the compost mulch and started blooming like crazy!
So there is no reason to wait on that tumbling composter purchase. Take a look at the different sizes and models of Jora Composters at www.BestComposters.com. Happy Composting!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Keeping a Gardening Journal
Successful organic vegetable gardening doesn't happen by accident. The three "P's" are essential to the process: planning, preparation and persistence.
You will enjoy higher yields and better results over the years by paying attention and keeping track of what works and what doesn't work in your garden. It's one of the things I love about organic gardening - it's a continual learning process. Some of the success in your garden depends on factors outside our control, like the date of the last frost, how much or little rain falls, extreme weather, temperatures and infestations. Yes, and a certain amount of luck. But we can do a little research to find out what grows successfully in our region, and so control what we plant. We can also have a lot of impact on the quality of our soil by testing and amending it, or by using raised beds and pots.
A vital element of organic gardening is maintaining a good supply of nutrients for your plants to take up as they need them. We provide nutrients organically to the soil by adding compost, mulch, green manure cover crops, mature or well composted animal manures, or mixed organic fertilizer. In this way, your vegetables will grow robustly, which will help deter pests and diseases. And having healthy plants will also provide you with bigger yields and faster maturing plants.
When you have a list of plants that typically do well in your region and growing season, and have tested and amended your soil to provide those plants with the nutrients they need, I suggest keeping that information in a gardening journal. Record what you plant, where in the garden it's planted, when and how. Add an entry whenever you need to in order to record what's happening in the garden. Next year refer back to that journal and see what worked, what didn't, and hopefully, why.
Happy Composting!
You will enjoy higher yields and better results over the years by paying attention and keeping track of what works and what doesn't work in your garden. It's one of the things I love about organic gardening - it's a continual learning process. Some of the success in your garden depends on factors outside our control, like the date of the last frost, how much or little rain falls, extreme weather, temperatures and infestations. Yes, and a certain amount of luck. But we can do a little research to find out what grows successfully in our region, and so control what we plant. We can also have a lot of impact on the quality of our soil by testing and amending it, or by using raised beds and pots.
A vital element of organic gardening is maintaining a good supply of nutrients for your plants to take up as they need them. We provide nutrients organically to the soil by adding compost, mulch, green manure cover crops, mature or well composted animal manures, or mixed organic fertilizer. In this way, your vegetables will grow robustly, which will help deter pests and diseases. And having healthy plants will also provide you with bigger yields and faster maturing plants.
When you have a list of plants that typically do well in your region and growing season, and have tested and amended your soil to provide those plants with the nutrients they need, I suggest keeping that information in a gardening journal. Record what you plant, where in the garden it's planted, when and how. Add an entry whenever you need to in order to record what's happening in the garden. Next year refer back to that journal and see what worked, what didn't, and hopefully, why.
Happy Composting!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Gardening the Organic Way
There are so many ways that our bodies are bombarded with pollutants every day. The air we breathe into our lungs and that is absorbed through our skin includes industrial air pollutants, automobile emissions, and household cleaning agents. The water we drink has trace chemicals in it from rain water, fertilizers and pesticides. And let's not forget to mention the chemicals we ingest on our foods. It's extremely difficult to combat the effects pollutants have on us...shall we live on a mountain top or in the middle of a rain forest? Instead, why not choose to increase your intake of antioxidants by growing and eating your own organic vegetables? In a study by Newcastle University in England, researchers found that "organic food has a higher nutritional value than ordinary produce" with "up to 40% more antioxidants in organic fruit and vegetables than in non-organic." Those antioxidants combat the effects of pollution, slowing aging and reducing risks of disease.
An effective and easy way to start an organic garden is by cutting out chemical fertilizers and replacing them with compost. Mix it into your soil as an enhancement and/or use it as a top mulch...it will provide nutrients for your plants and encourage earthworms to keep your soil healthy. I love our tumbling composter because it's so easy to use, keeps pests out because of it's tight seal, and keeps the heat in which helps the breakdown process work more quickly. You can see our full range of tumbling composters at www.BestComposters.com. You might also want to include some of our BiOWiSH™ Compost Boost to make the process really easy! You won't have to worry about getting the proper mix of nitrogen and carbon into your compost bin, or the odors that can be associated with an improper mix. 100% organic BiOWiSH™ Compost Boost will enhance the output of your compost bin in multiple ways, while keeping with your goal of going and growing organic.
Happy composting!
An effective and easy way to start an organic garden is by cutting out chemical fertilizers and replacing them with compost. Mix it into your soil as an enhancement and/or use it as a top mulch...it will provide nutrients for your plants and encourage earthworms to keep your soil healthy. I love our tumbling composter because it's so easy to use, keeps pests out because of it's tight seal, and keeps the heat in which helps the breakdown process work more quickly. You can see our full range of tumbling composters at www.BestComposters.com. You might also want to include some of our BiOWiSH™ Compost Boost to make the process really easy! You won't have to worry about getting the proper mix of nitrogen and carbon into your compost bin, or the odors that can be associated with an improper mix. 100% organic BiOWiSH™ Compost Boost will enhance the output of your compost bin in multiple ways, while keeping with your goal of going and growing organic.
Happy composting!
odor removers,
tumbling composters,
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
"Organic" Pesticides
The thing I noticed pretty quickly about gardening organically was the plant destroying pests: bugs, weeds and critters. I knew about beneficial insects, the ones that eat the plant destroyers, and how they could be purchased online, mail order, or sometimes from local nurseries. I also knew that hot peppers could be used in some fashion as well. And my organic farmer husband has long used a soap and water mixture to discourage infestations of insects. But an article in the weekend real estate guide from the Sunday, June 11th Denver Post went into glorious detail about organic pesticides, why they work and a recipe to make it. Also included were some tips for reducing the likelihood of infestations.
First, the recipe: 3 garlic bulbs, 12 hot chili peppers, 2 TBSP vegetable oil, 5 squirts liquid dish soap and 7 cups of water. Blend these together using an electric blender and then strain through muslin cloth, storing in a spray bottle. I made a batch, and have initially found it pretty effective. I also noticed that it smells bad, but dissipates quickly. I think the garlic also helps makes it fairly sticky on the plants and cuts off the air supply to most pests.
Next, to attract beneficial insects, we should keep our gardens dry and healthy. Wet plants are more susceptible to infestations and fungus. Keep your garden mulched (you can use organic compost...easy to do with a tumbling composter from BestComposters.com!)so as to prevent weed growth and retain moisture for the plant roots, then trim leaves so that they don't lay on the ground. Certain plants will attract beneficial insects, like carrots, celery, parsley, caraway, Queen Ann's Lace, tansy, yarrow, daisies, blackeyed susans, asters marigolds and goldenrod.
I haven't tried the last steps to protecting my garden yet in any quantity. I do have the first three vegies, but I'm interested in adding some of the flowers around them to see what impact they'll have. I surely wish I could get our Homeowner's Association to ok chickens. I'm told they are a powerful ally in the war against slugs (not to mention the delicious fresh eggs that they give), and I really need an ally for that war!
Happy Composting!
First, the recipe: 3 garlic bulbs, 12 hot chili peppers, 2 TBSP vegetable oil, 5 squirts liquid dish soap and 7 cups of water. Blend these together using an electric blender and then strain through muslin cloth, storing in a spray bottle. I made a batch, and have initially found it pretty effective. I also noticed that it smells bad, but dissipates quickly. I think the garlic also helps makes it fairly sticky on the plants and cuts off the air supply to most pests.
Next, to attract beneficial insects, we should keep our gardens dry and healthy. Wet plants are more susceptible to infestations and fungus. Keep your garden mulched (you can use organic compost...easy to do with a tumbling composter from BestComposters.com!)so as to prevent weed growth and retain moisture for the plant roots, then trim leaves so that they don't lay on the ground. Certain plants will attract beneficial insects, like carrots, celery, parsley, caraway, Queen Ann's Lace, tansy, yarrow, daisies, blackeyed susans, asters marigolds and goldenrod.
I haven't tried the last steps to protecting my garden yet in any quantity. I do have the first three vegies, but I'm interested in adding some of the flowers around them to see what impact they'll have. I surely wish I could get our Homeowner's Association to ok chickens. I'm told they are a powerful ally in the war against slugs (not to mention the delicious fresh eggs that they give), and I really need an ally for that war!
Happy Composting!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Compost for Roses
I've got a rose bush that I planted for the fragrance that it has. It's not blooming yet, but has numerous buds just about to spread their lovely scent throughout my garden. I read yesterday that this month is the time to feed roses with fertilizer OR mulch one inch thick with compost. Well, you know which I'll be doing! Our tumbling composter, along with BiOWiSH™ Compost Boost from www.BestComposters.com has made an abundant supply of rich organic compost, thank goodness. We've used it to revitalize older garden beds, plant new beds like the raised bed my husband built to my specs, and start the garbage can potatoes. Seems like there can never be too much compost ready for the gardens! So when it stops raining, out I go to feed that lovely rose bush with an inch of compost all the way around. Better plan to add more compost to that raised bed, as well. The straw/alfalfa mix has been decomposing and the vegetables in the bed are in need of more soil and compost to send those roots out into. Happy Composting!
garden beds,
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Gardening Festivals
We attended our first gardening festival as exhibitors this past weekend in the beautiful city of Fort Collins, Colorado. The town has plenty of gardens to enjoy, and lots of folks interested in gardening. One thing that I loved was how many people came out with their children, to help them learn how to garden, how important honey bees are to gardens, and best of all - about composting! We had examples of things that we use in our composting on our table: grass clippings, coffee grounds, straw and alfalfa, dried leaves, drier lint, pet hair and vacuum bag contents. Since we, like most composting folks, have plenty of greens (nitrogen) to contribute to the compost pile, but struggle to keep the mix of browns (carbons) high enough, we add the drier lint and animal hair. Still usually not enough, we add BiOWiSH™ Compost Boost to keep the organisms activated and breaking down that compostable material. This ensures that we have a new batch of compost to add to our garden every 4-6 weeks. Our garden loves it! And we love the produce that we are getting from our garden. Always looking for new ways to use zucchini, here is a recipe I found for Chilled Zucchini and Green-Bean Soup with Pesto Swirl:
(Start to finish: 1 hour. Servings: 6)
2 TBSP extra-virgin olive oil
1 small sweet onion, chopped
1 lb zucchini, ends trimmed and thinly sliced
4 cups chicken broth (reduced sodium works great)
10 oz package frozen shelled edamame
1/2 lb green beans, ends trimmed
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp ground white pepper
1/4 cup store bought basil pesto
1/2 cup reduced fat sour cream or plain greek yogurt(optional)
In a large saucepan over medium high heat, heat the oil. Add the onion and zucchini and saute' until very soft, about 10 minutes. Add the chicken broth and bring to a boil. Stir in edamame and green beans and simmer, uncovered, until the vegetables are soft, about 20 minutes. Remove from the heat and cool for 15 minutes.
Transfer the soup, in batches if necessary, to a blender or food processor. Puree', then season with salt and pepper.
Serve the soup chilled or at room temperature. When serving, divide the soup among 6 bowls and swirl a spoonful of pesto into each. Top with sour cream or yogurt, if desired. Enjoy this low calorie (135)refreshing soup, and at the same time, increase your intake of healthy vegetables! Happy Composting!
(Start to finish: 1 hour. Servings: 6)
2 TBSP extra-virgin olive oil
1 small sweet onion, chopped
1 lb zucchini, ends trimmed and thinly sliced
4 cups chicken broth (reduced sodium works great)
10 oz package frozen shelled edamame
1/2 lb green beans, ends trimmed
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp ground white pepper
1/4 cup store bought basil pesto
1/2 cup reduced fat sour cream or plain greek yogurt(optional)
In a large saucepan over medium high heat, heat the oil. Add the onion and zucchini and saute' until very soft, about 10 minutes. Add the chicken broth and bring to a boil. Stir in edamame and green beans and simmer, uncovered, until the vegetables are soft, about 20 minutes. Remove from the heat and cool for 15 minutes.
Transfer the soup, in batches if necessary, to a blender or food processor. Puree', then season with salt and pepper.
Serve the soup chilled or at room temperature. When serving, divide the soup among 6 bowls and swirl a spoonful of pesto into each. Top with sour cream or yogurt, if desired. Enjoy this low calorie (135)refreshing soup, and at the same time, increase your intake of healthy vegetables! Happy Composting!
gardening with children,
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Feel Good...Garden!
The news is rife with articles about gardening and I'm loving it! We have the Grow insert in our Denver Post weekly which overflows with information about plants and gardening, and there was the article about the woman who had survived WWII teaching school children about victory gardens, and then the school that dedicated a portion of their grounds for some third graders to grow a garden and learn about where food comes from. It's all the rage, I tell you! The reasons are varied, but one of the best reasons that gardening is popular is that it's just plain good for you.
Gardening provides physical exercise that helps prevent heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes. It helps prevent osteoporosis if you're lifting water jugs, pushing a garden cart or turning compost.
When you're working in the garden you're most likely relieving stress and getting lots of fresh air. There's a connection to nature, and a brain boost as you plan your garden and research tools and plants.
Then there's the obvious: if you grow it, you'll eat it. Fresh vegetables and fruits improve your physical wellbeing. You can control the use of pesticides and fertilizers. You will notice how much better the food tastes when it's picked and consumed the same day, and need we talk about using fresh herbs to enhance the flavors of your meals? Think about how much sugar and salt you can cut back on when fresh herbs are used instead.
So get out there and dig in. Garden with your kids, or the neighbors, and build relationships through gardening. Don't forget to add organic compost in your garden for healthier, more productive plants, and a healthier you. Happy Composting!
Gardening provides physical exercise that helps prevent heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes. It helps prevent osteoporosis if you're lifting water jugs, pushing a garden cart or turning compost.
When you're working in the garden you're most likely relieving stress and getting lots of fresh air. There's a connection to nature, and a brain boost as you plan your garden and research tools and plants.
Then there's the obvious: if you grow it, you'll eat it. Fresh vegetables and fruits improve your physical wellbeing. You can control the use of pesticides and fertilizers. You will notice how much better the food tastes when it's picked and consumed the same day, and need we talk about using fresh herbs to enhance the flavors of your meals? Think about how much sugar and salt you can cut back on when fresh herbs are used instead.
So get out there and dig in. Garden with your kids, or the neighbors, and build relationships through gardening. Don't forget to add organic compost in your garden for healthier, more productive plants, and a healthier you. Happy Composting!
gardening with children,
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Springtime Rant in the Garden
This time of year is so exciting with all the new growth going on in my garden! I enjoy checking it every day - ok, sometimes two or three times a day - to watch for the first leaves of the beet plants, see how the peas are almost tall enough to start reaching for the bean poles set out for them to climb, and the flowers as they appear on the tomato plants. Glorious birth!
I can really tell a difference this year in the growth and health of my garden vegetables with the addition of home grown organic compost. It ‘s my hope to have a bumper crop this year, and I plan on filling my freezer with produce. I've also started to think about whom else might benefit from the abundance I've planned for. The article in yesterday's Denver Post about school children in Denver who are learning about where food comes from made me think about how many families could benefit if every school had a vegetable garden. So many kids would be empowered with the knowledge of how to feed themselves and their families, as well as the nutritional benefits that they would reap with their harvests. Surely someone at each school could find the time to sponsor a garden; if not a teacher, then a parent, volunteer from the neighborhood or an employee of nearby nursery. I’d like to donate my time to teaching students how to compost and it’s various uses in a garden. Some schools might even find themselves being able to donate their garden produce to food banks and co-ops. With good weather, and the good soil that I’ve laid down this year, that’s what I plan to do!
Maybe we need a grass roots movement to contact school districts and request that space be made available at each school for a classroom garden, rather than the lawns that most schools have surrounding their facilities. Oh, how my mind does travel along a meandering pathway at times, leading me to consider ideas and dreams that crop up along the way!
And speaking of composting, I’d better get the latest batch of kitchen scraps into the composter, and put on my to-do list to shred some cardboard to mix in as well. After all, can one have too much compost?
Happy Composting!
I can really tell a difference this year in the growth and health of my garden vegetables with the addition of home grown organic compost. It ‘s my hope to have a bumper crop this year, and I plan on filling my freezer with produce. I've also started to think about whom else might benefit from the abundance I've planned for. The article in yesterday's Denver Post about school children in Denver who are learning about where food comes from made me think about how many families could benefit if every school had a vegetable garden. So many kids would be empowered with the knowledge of how to feed themselves and their families, as well as the nutritional benefits that they would reap with their harvests. Surely someone at each school could find the time to sponsor a garden; if not a teacher, then a parent, volunteer from the neighborhood or an employee of nearby nursery. I’d like to donate my time to teaching students how to compost and it’s various uses in a garden. Some schools might even find themselves being able to donate their garden produce to food banks and co-ops. With good weather, and the good soil that I’ve laid down this year, that’s what I plan to do!
Maybe we need a grass roots movement to contact school districts and request that space be made available at each school for a classroom garden, rather than the lawns that most schools have surrounding their facilities. Oh, how my mind does travel along a meandering pathway at times, leading me to consider ideas and dreams that crop up along the way!
And speaking of composting, I’d better get the latest batch of kitchen scraps into the composter, and put on my to-do list to shred some cardboard to mix in as well. After all, can one have too much compost?
Happy Composting!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Perennials and Annual Soil Amendment
I just read an article in the Grow insert of the Denver Post, May 23, 2010 about the “Generous, forgiving, beautiful” nature of Salvia. It reminded me of the reason why I had planted one in my backyard garden: Salvia is (like me) exceedingly thrifty. One reason it is considered thrifty is that many varieties will reseed themselves, so while you may pay $12 or more for a potted Salvia plant, you can very well expect that it will triple next year and be able to transplant these plants to other areas of your garden. Word to the wise: have some empty places in your garden to accommodate the new Salvia plants, or give them to friends and neighbors to beautify their gardens!
Another reason Salvia supply their monies worth is that they do transplant readily. An easy dig up and relocation in many instances will provide you with sustained blooms from May through October. They come in a wide variety of colors, including purples, blues, pinks and reds. Salvia is also a hardy plant, so they typically thrive at elevations up to 8,500 feet above sea level, as well as being drought tolerant.
So, reading about Salvia’s many attributes reminded me that I have been remiss in amending the soil in my perennial beds. I know that it’s important to turn soil over and mix in compost. But the Newport Plum bushes along the back fence with perennials in between make it difficult to turn the soil over; I am reluctant to disturb the perennials’ roots for fear of disturbing the bloom. But this year is the year of organic compost! We have an abundance of 100% organic black gold, after composting all winter long with kitchen scraps, fall leaves, shredded newspaper and BiOWiSH™ Compost Boost. The latter’s organic enzymes kept the compost heap at a heated average of about 145º F degrees all winter, so all the composting materials were broken down just right. This Spring we have plenty of soil amendment to spread around, thank goodness, since we’ve added a raised vegetable bed and two garbage can potato planters to our otherwise sizable garden.
Therefore, before it gets too hot out in my South facing backyard, I’m heading out to (gently) turn the soil around my perennials, including that lovely Salvia, and add a generous amount of homegrown organic compost, worked in and as mulch, to feed those perennials and bushes that add so much enjoyment to my backyard experience. Happy Composting!
Another reason Salvia supply their monies worth is that they do transplant readily. An easy dig up and relocation in many instances will provide you with sustained blooms from May through October. They come in a wide variety of colors, including purples, blues, pinks and reds. Salvia is also a hardy plant, so they typically thrive at elevations up to 8,500 feet above sea level, as well as being drought tolerant.
So, reading about Salvia’s many attributes reminded me that I have been remiss in amending the soil in my perennial beds. I know that it’s important to turn soil over and mix in compost. But the Newport Plum bushes along the back fence with perennials in between make it difficult to turn the soil over; I am reluctant to disturb the perennials’ roots for fear of disturbing the bloom. But this year is the year of organic compost! We have an abundance of 100% organic black gold, after composting all winter long with kitchen scraps, fall leaves, shredded newspaper and BiOWiSH™ Compost Boost. The latter’s organic enzymes kept the compost heap at a heated average of about 145º F degrees all winter, so all the composting materials were broken down just right. This Spring we have plenty of soil amendment to spread around, thank goodness, since we’ve added a raised vegetable bed and two garbage can potato planters to our otherwise sizable garden.
Therefore, before it gets too hot out in my South facing backyard, I’m heading out to (gently) turn the soil around my perennials, including that lovely Salvia, and add a generous amount of homegrown organic compost, worked in and as mulch, to feed those perennials and bushes that add so much enjoyment to my backyard experience. Happy Composting!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
How to Start a Square Foot Garden
I've seen lots of articles lately on square foot gardening. It's exciting, all the interest in gardening there seems to be in the media these days, from potato boxes to roof gardens to hanging tomato planters. But one of the things I love about gardening is basic...good soil! So make sure you start with that. If you're fortunate enough to have decent soil in a yard, you can start with that. If you lack decent starter soil, you'll need to purchase vermiculite and top soil from your local garden center or hardware store. To your soil, add organic compost, about 1/2 compost, and 1/4 vermiculite, 1/4 top soil. Please make the compost yourself with your kitchen scraps, cardboard, shredded newspaper, coffee grounds, grass clippings, etc. The easiest way is in a tumbling composter, but you can also put toether a bin with fencing, cinderblock, an old barrel or anything that will provide plenty of air circulation! Be prepared for pests if your compost is not enclosed, though.
Next visit your local hardware store (again) for lumber to make each of the however many you want to build 4-foot-square boxes that will hold the garden. If using multiples, make sure to leave room in between them for walkways.
Once you've filled the box(es) with your good soil mixture, place a grid on top of each box to make 1-foot-square sections. You can use string for this, or dowel rods...you get the idea.
Next, the planting. Plant each 1-foot-square section with one variety of plant, like 1 tomato plant, or 9 spinach plants, 1 squash. Once each plant is harvested, you can add more compost and plant another kind of plant in their place for another harvest. Yum!
Happy Composting!
Next visit your local hardware store (again) for lumber to make each of the however many you want to build 4-foot-square boxes that will hold the garden. If using multiples, make sure to leave room in between them for walkways.
Once you've filled the box(es) with your good soil mixture, place a grid on top of each box to make 1-foot-square sections. You can use string for this, or dowel rods...you get the idea.
Next, the planting. Plant each 1-foot-square section with one variety of plant, like 1 tomato plant, or 9 spinach plants, 1 squash. Once each plant is harvested, you can add more compost and plant another kind of plant in their place for another harvest. Yum!
Happy Composting!
tumbling composters
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Planter Box Gardening for Less
Well, we finally got it done, in spite of all the weird weather we’ve had! Our garden is planted!! My husband got the new planter box made, we got our plants and seeds assembled and got them all planted. Whew, what a relief!
The planter box was a big thing, even though there is a lot more area to plant in the ‘in ground’ garden. We are experimenting with the box. We’d gone back and forth for a couple of weeks trying to decide how best to fill that planter box. We knew we were going to use a good quantity of our organic home made compost, straight from our tumbling composter. But what other medium? Top soil was my initial plan…shopping at our local hardware store had me doing the math. The planter box is 12’ x 3’ and 16” deep…a lot of box to fill. That’s some 500 cubic feet of top soil needed, at $2.50 per cubic feet equals $1,250. Even if we mixed the top soil with compost 50-50, we’d be buying $625 worth of top soil. Then I ran across an article about hay bale gardening. This gardener takes hay bales, dowses them with nitrogen (fertilizer), digs a whole in the center and fills it with soil and plants. Sounded intriguing, so I talked with hubby. And he had his own idea. This is what we did: Two bales each of straw and alfalfa, run through a chipper to break it up and mix it well - $32. Into the planter it went, with two gallons of BiOWiSH™ Compost Boost and warm water – under $5. Mix garden soil excess that we had from last year, that wonderful black compost and a little perlite, add to holes dug down into the alfalfa and straw mix and plant. The BiOWiSH™ Compost Boost has already started the decomposition process, heating up the mix and starting to turn it into more compost. Hubby and I are both excited to see what results we’ll have in our new planter box. It was big enough to fit three tomato plants, six broccoli, and 16 onions, for under $100 inside the planter. We won't talk about the redwood lumber that went into building the thing, but it sure is pretty!
By the way, readers remembering the blog about our newspaper planter pots will be interested to know that the single half sheet of newspaper held up just great! I ended up peeling it off of the lettuces very easily when it was wet. The spinach and broccoli seeds planted in them germinated; however, they did not get very big. Next year we’ll get some real grow lights to start them under, and maybe get an earlier start….like February?!?
The planter box was a big thing, even though there is a lot more area to plant in the ‘in ground’ garden. We are experimenting with the box. We’d gone back and forth for a couple of weeks trying to decide how best to fill that planter box. We knew we were going to use a good quantity of our organic home made compost, straight from our tumbling composter. But what other medium? Top soil was my initial plan…shopping at our local hardware store had me doing the math. The planter box is 12’ x 3’ and 16” deep…a lot of box to fill. That’s some 500 cubic feet of top soil needed, at $2.50 per cubic feet equals $1,250. Even if we mixed the top soil with compost 50-50, we’d be buying $625 worth of top soil. Then I ran across an article about hay bale gardening. This gardener takes hay bales, dowses them with nitrogen (fertilizer), digs a whole in the center and fills it with soil and plants. Sounded intriguing, so I talked with hubby. And he had his own idea. This is what we did: Two bales each of straw and alfalfa, run through a chipper to break it up and mix it well - $32. Into the planter it went, with two gallons of BiOWiSH™ Compost Boost and warm water – under $5. Mix garden soil excess that we had from last year, that wonderful black compost and a little perlite, add to holes dug down into the alfalfa and straw mix and plant. The BiOWiSH™ Compost Boost has already started the decomposition process, heating up the mix and starting to turn it into more compost. Hubby and I are both excited to see what results we’ll have in our new planter box. It was big enough to fit three tomato plants, six broccoli, and 16 onions, for under $100 inside the planter. We won't talk about the redwood lumber that went into building the thing, but it sure is pretty!
By the way, readers remembering the blog about our newspaper planter pots will be interested to know that the single half sheet of newspaper held up just great! I ended up peeling it off of the lettuces very easily when it was wet. The spinach and broccoli seeds planted in them germinated; however, they did not get very big. Next year we’ll get some real grow lights to start them under, and maybe get an earlier start….like February?!?
garden beds,
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Twice As Nice Plants
The other day, I was reading the book "Grocery Gardening" (2009 Cool Springs Press) by food and garden writer Jean Ann Van Krevelen and her co-authors. It speaks to the frugal gardeners about planting, preparing and preserving garden produce. I believe I've said before that while I love my fresh from the garden vegies, I haven't done much in the way of preserving that produce. So far I've left that up to my sister-in-law and mother-in-law. They are pros at canning and freezing! No, I really don't leave it all up to them, but volunteer to help in other ways while they're preserving. But this year, I've vowed to at least do my own freezing, and this book has me motivated!
What really piqued my interest in “Grocery Gardening” was a discussion about vegetables and herbs that have double functionality, providing twice the benefit from growing them! My very favorite vegetable discussed in the book is beets and beet greens. Sometimes I think I love the greens more than I do the beet, but they're really good paired together with a little sautéed onion and just a touch of bacon grease. Yum! Chives are another favorite, are easy to grow and being perennial, will come back every year to bless your garden. Use the chives all through the growing season to flavor your recipes, but don't neglect the flowers in Spring! Clip those lovely purple flowers young and tender, rinse and pull apart into separate florets and toss with your favorite salad.
Some of the other plants listed as twice as nice are:
· Garlic and garlic scapes
· Cliantro and coriander
· Dill weed and dill seed
Fennel was listed as a TRIPLE duty plant since it has fronds, seeds and bulbs that can all be used and enjoyed in different ways. You might try looking up a recipe for Braised Fennel online - look for one that includes grated Gruyere cheese for a really yummy treat.
All these vegies, and more, will benefit from a hearty dose of home grown organic compost. Use it as a fertilizer, soil enhancer and mulch! Make composting easy with a tumbling composter from www.BestComposters.com. It's even easier when you add BiOWiSH™ Compost Boost: even if you don't have the exact mix of nitrogen and carbon materials, BiOWiSH™ Compost Boost will help those digestive organisms get heated up without any harmful chemicals - it's all 100% organic, from nature, for nature!
What really piqued my interest in “Grocery Gardening” was a discussion about vegetables and herbs that have double functionality, providing twice the benefit from growing them! My very favorite vegetable discussed in the book is beets and beet greens. Sometimes I think I love the greens more than I do the beet, but they're really good paired together with a little sautéed onion and just a touch of bacon grease. Yum! Chives are another favorite, are easy to grow and being perennial, will come back every year to bless your garden. Use the chives all through the growing season to flavor your recipes, but don't neglect the flowers in Spring! Clip those lovely purple flowers young and tender, rinse and pull apart into separate florets and toss with your favorite salad.
Some of the other plants listed as twice as nice are:
· Garlic and garlic scapes
· Cliantro and coriander
· Dill weed and dill seed
Fennel was listed as a TRIPLE duty plant since it has fronds, seeds and bulbs that can all be used and enjoyed in different ways. You might try looking up a recipe for Braised Fennel online - look for one that includes grated Gruyere cheese for a really yummy treat.
All these vegies, and more, will benefit from a hearty dose of home grown organic compost. Use it as a fertilizer, soil enhancer and mulch! Make composting easy with a tumbling composter from www.BestComposters.com. It's even easier when you add BiOWiSH™ Compost Boost: even if you don't have the exact mix of nitrogen and carbon materials, BiOWiSH™ Compost Boost will help those digestive organisms get heated up without any harmful chemicals - it's all 100% organic, from nature, for nature!
Monday, May 10, 2010
How to Plant a Vegetable Garden If You Never Have Before
Growing your own vegetables has regained it's popularity, as evidenced by seed packets virtually flying off shelves at our local stores. This renewed interest is not without merit, since your own garden can significantly cut your grocery expenses, help you eat healthier, is a stress reliver, and the food is just plain yummy! So how does one get started?
First step is to plan where you're going to set up your garden. The best spot is one that gets good morning sunshine. Ideally, you'll also want a spot that will be somewhat protected from the elements and allows for good runoff of excess water.
Next step is preparing the soil. Check the soil for it's pH level, which ideally should be 6.5. Your local hardware/garden center will have usually have test kits available, and from there it is a simple matter of following the directions. Adding home grown compost will provide your vegetables with the best nutrients available, without chemicals to muck things up.
Now that you know your soil will provide the proper nutrients, it's time to get your hands dirty! This is the first lesson that my dad taught me about gardening. Every spring we'd take our shovels and turn the soil over, digging down to about 12 inches. This allowed for the removal of weeds at the same time, since their roots will be loosened from their grip on the soil.
Finally, chosing what vegetables to grow will be somewhat dependent on what region of the country you live in. For beginners, I recommend seeking out a reputable garden center and getting advise and seedlings from them. We grew some vegetables from seed this year, and while it's more cost efficient to grow your vegies from seeds, it is labor intensive. You must ensure the proper amounts of light and water, and the right medium to plant in. So, beginner, have your garden center helper guide you in chosing healthy seedlings that will thrive in your area.
With good compost, planning and initial investment of time and the cost of seedlings, your garden should provide you with luscious fresh and nutritious vegetables with very little maintenance. It's awesome being able to stroll out into the yard and pick from your garden what you want to eat that day!
Happy Composting!
First step is to plan where you're going to set up your garden. The best spot is one that gets good morning sunshine. Ideally, you'll also want a spot that will be somewhat protected from the elements and allows for good runoff of excess water.
Next step is preparing the soil. Check the soil for it's pH level, which ideally should be 6.5. Your local hardware/garden center will have usually have test kits available, and from there it is a simple matter of following the directions. Adding home grown compost will provide your vegetables with the best nutrients available, without chemicals to muck things up.
Now that you know your soil will provide the proper nutrients, it's time to get your hands dirty! This is the first lesson that my dad taught me about gardening. Every spring we'd take our shovels and turn the soil over, digging down to about 12 inches. This allowed for the removal of weeds at the same time, since their roots will be loosened from their grip on the soil.
Finally, chosing what vegetables to grow will be somewhat dependent on what region of the country you live in. For beginners, I recommend seeking out a reputable garden center and getting advise and seedlings from them. We grew some vegetables from seed this year, and while it's more cost efficient to grow your vegies from seeds, it is labor intensive. You must ensure the proper amounts of light and water, and the right medium to plant in. So, beginner, have your garden center helper guide you in chosing healthy seedlings that will thrive in your area.
With good compost, planning and initial investment of time and the cost of seedlings, your garden should provide you with luscious fresh and nutritious vegetables with very little maintenance. It's awesome being able to stroll out into the yard and pick from your garden what you want to eat that day!
Happy Composting!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
The Facts on Waste
You may be astounded, like I was, to find that approximately 3 thousand TONS of garbage are added to our landfills each year! The EPA further estimates that almost a ton of waste is generated by each person in the US each year, and that 70% of that can be recycled and composted. That's a heck of a lot of what could be wonderful soil amendment that's instead getting added to the landfill each year!
I know that it's easier to throw it out than to compost it, but the benefits, to me, far outweigh the drawbacks. After all, nobody wants a landfill in their neighborhood; the smell, pests, the eye sore, decreasing property values, etc. And most of us these days are fairly good at conserving our water resources, but don't realize that about 3 gallons of water is used each time we run the garbage disposal to grind up kitchen waste. Instead of building better bigger landfills and wasting precious water, we could be making our own compost that will provide our gardens and lawn with a valuable boost of natural fertilizer. We can also be sharing this activity with the next generation, spending time with the children in our lives and teaching them how to better care for our world and ourselves.
Composting can be accomplished many different ways. My grandparents had a pile next to their garden that they added to each day. I don't remember them every turning it, so it may have taken quite a while to break down. A three sided apparatus can be put together with almost any materials: cinderblocks, old pallets, cyclone fencing, almost anything that you can build with can be used to build an area for compost. It just needs to allow for air circulation and a surface to keep things together. This method is inexpensive, but you'll need to put your back and arms into it, turning it over with a pitchfork or a compost 'tiller'. You'll almost most likely be dealing with pests...the kind that like decomposing food. Ick! Finally there are bins commericially available that can be sealed up pretty tight to keep pests out, but there would still be the issue of having to manually turn it at least once a week.
Or you can splurge a little and get yourself and your family a tumbling composter. www.BestComposters.com has a selection of the finest tumbling composters available anywhere. An easy turn of a handle and you’re providing your compost with the aeration that it needs to keep all those wonderful organisms happy and heated up. You'll be helping reduce the amount of trash added to landfills, reducing the water consumption and waste, and making some great soil amendment that will help your garden and lawn prosper! Come on in and order yours today!
I know that it's easier to throw it out than to compost it, but the benefits, to me, far outweigh the drawbacks. After all, nobody wants a landfill in their neighborhood; the smell, pests, the eye sore, decreasing property values, etc. And most of us these days are fairly good at conserving our water resources, but don't realize that about 3 gallons of water is used each time we run the garbage disposal to grind up kitchen waste. Instead of building better bigger landfills and wasting precious water, we could be making our own compost that will provide our gardens and lawn with a valuable boost of natural fertilizer. We can also be sharing this activity with the next generation, spending time with the children in our lives and teaching them how to better care for our world and ourselves.
Composting can be accomplished many different ways. My grandparents had a pile next to their garden that they added to each day. I don't remember them every turning it, so it may have taken quite a while to break down. A three sided apparatus can be put together with almost any materials: cinderblocks, old pallets, cyclone fencing, almost anything that you can build with can be used to build an area for compost. It just needs to allow for air circulation and a surface to keep things together. This method is inexpensive, but you'll need to put your back and arms into it, turning it over with a pitchfork or a compost 'tiller'. You'll almost most likely be dealing with pests...the kind that like decomposing food. Ick! Finally there are bins commericially available that can be sealed up pretty tight to keep pests out, but there would still be the issue of having to manually turn it at least once a week.
Or you can splurge a little and get yourself and your family a tumbling composter. www.BestComposters.com has a selection of the finest tumbling composters available anywhere. An easy turn of a handle and you’re providing your compost with the aeration that it needs to keep all those wonderful organisms happy and heated up. You'll be helping reduce the amount of trash added to landfills, reducing the water consumption and waste, and making some great soil amendment that will help your garden and lawn prosper! Come on in and order yours today!
gardening with children,
tumbling composters,
water conservation
Friday, April 30, 2010
Know the Temperature of Your Compost
Preserving a high internal temperature in your compost is crucial for rapid composting. With our compost thermometer, you’ll find it easy to keep an eye on your compost's heat and thereby ensure that bacteria are working at the most favorable temperature. You’ll also save time and energy because you won’t do any unnecessary turning or tumbling of the compost!
Bacteria are responsible for breaking down food scraps, and they work most optimally at 120° to 160° Fahrenheit. These bacteria also need fresh oxygen, which is why it’s important to turn or tumble your compost, without exposing it to too much cold air. With our compost thermometer, you only turn the pile when it needs that boost of fresh air since you’ll know when the compost is cooling down.
Our thermometer will also help you avoid scalding and let you know when the compost is finished. With it's 20 inch long stem, this compost thermometer can reach deep into the compost pile and help you spot danger signs.
Benefits of our Compost Thermometer include:
· 1 3/4" easy-to-read dial
· All Stainless Steel Construction
· Very accurate (+/- 1% full scale)
· Plastic No fog lens
Visit www.BestComposters.com to order this and other helpful and time saving gardening tools!
Bacteria are responsible for breaking down food scraps, and they work most optimally at 120° to 160° Fahrenheit. These bacteria also need fresh oxygen, which is why it’s important to turn or tumble your compost, without exposing it to too much cold air. With our compost thermometer, you only turn the pile when it needs that boost of fresh air since you’ll know when the compost is cooling down.
Our thermometer will also help you avoid scalding and let you know when the compost is finished. With it's 20 inch long stem, this compost thermometer can reach deep into the compost pile and help you spot danger signs.
Benefits of our Compost Thermometer include:
· 1 3/4" easy-to-read dial
· All Stainless Steel Construction
· Very accurate (+/- 1% full scale)
· Plastic No fog lens
Visit www.BestComposters.com to order this and other helpful and time saving gardening tools!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Not So Common Chive
I walked in my garden this week in our BestComposters.com Lawn Aerator Shoes so that all that wonderful moisture that we’ve gotten all week can make it’s way down to the roots of our lawn. It’s a really easy way to do something nice for your lawn! Beforehand, we’d spread a little of our compost as a dressing onto the lawn as well, and the nutrients will be absorbed more quickly with the aerating too. As I did my aerating and checked out what damage the storms might’ve done in our yard, I was overjoyed to see my alum schoenoprasum, or Common Chive, poking up through the Spring snow. This hardy and easy to grow perennial is one of two planted in my garden years ago when I discovered that my family enjoys snipped chive on baked potatoes. I personally love the sweet pink blossoms and look forward to adding them to my salads for a blast of color and splash of mild onion flavor. The chive plant is a member of the same family as onions, garlic and leeks and is lovely whipped into softened butter and added to mashed potatoes or on grilled meat. It can be added, as well, to sauces, soups and salads, and is especially yummy in chicken or tuna salad. The vibrant green pleases the eye as much as the flavor enhances the salad!
You can plant the seeds of the chive plant now in your garden, or anytime in a pot to set on a sunny window sill. Once it has bloomed (don’t forget to add those gorgeous clover-like blossoms to your salads!), the tops should be snipped all the way to the soil. You’ll be pleased to see them shoot right back up and provide you with more chives all through the summer and early fall.
Being from the garlic family, the flavor of chives is comparable to garlic, but can be savored by those of us who are sensitive to garlic without concern. And like garlic, chive has therapeutic qualities. It won’t keep the kids from Twilight away in a ring around your neck, but will aid digestion of rich foods, protect your respiratory system, and has antiseptic value.
1. Freeze fresh chives by mincing the shoots, spreading in a flat casserole dish and flash freezing. They can then be stored in plastic freezer bags.
2. When cooking with chives, add them at the end of cooking.
3. Make chive butter by creaming 4 TBSP chopped chives with ½ cup softened butter. Add ½ tsp fresh squeezed lemon juice and salt and pepper to taste. Roll into a cylinder in a sheet of parchment paper and refrigerate for approximately one week.
You can plant the seeds of the chive plant now in your garden, or anytime in a pot to set on a sunny window sill. Once it has bloomed (don’t forget to add those gorgeous clover-like blossoms to your salads!), the tops should be snipped all the way to the soil. You’ll be pleased to see them shoot right back up and provide you with more chives all through the summer and early fall.
Being from the garlic family, the flavor of chives is comparable to garlic, but can be savored by those of us who are sensitive to garlic without concern. And like garlic, chive has therapeutic qualities. It won’t keep the kids from Twilight away in a ring around your neck, but will aid digestion of rich foods, protect your respiratory system, and has antiseptic value.
1. Freeze fresh chives by mincing the shoots, spreading in a flat casserole dish and flash freezing. They can then be stored in plastic freezer bags.
2. When cooking with chives, add them at the end of cooking.
3. Make chive butter by creaming 4 TBSP chopped chives with ½ cup softened butter. Add ½ tsp fresh squeezed lemon juice and salt and pepper to taste. Roll into a cylinder in a sheet of parchment paper and refrigerate for approximately one week.
garden beds,
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Time to Clean Up Those Water Features in Your Yards!
In honor of Earth Day, and every other day of the year, BestComposters.com provides FREE SHIPPING on all our BiOWiSH™ Products! They are all 100% organic, fast acting and completely safe for humans and the environment.
When you first apply BiOWiSH™ Aqua, the biology of the water will be bought back to life. This can cause short-term darkening of water as bottom sludge gains buoyancy. This is all part of the accelerated decomposition process. Over the course of 1-2 weeks you will see the water becoming progressively clearer, blue green algal growth will be removed and sludge and waste accumulation will be eliminated.
BiOWiSH™ Aqua is used in many commercial applications where it is directly applied to animal’s drinking water, aquaculture production water, crops, hydroponics waters and general water treatment.
In the age of global warming and concerns for our Mother Earth, you won’t find a more environmentally safe, fast and effective way to clean your water features than BiOWiSH™ Aqua. This is the positive and beneficial choice to make.
Now is the perfect time to get your backyard water features, ponds in shape for the summer season. You’ll enjoy your pond so much more when it’s sparkling clean and smelling great! It will amaze you the way BiOWiSH™ Aqua will clean out the sludge build up from decomposing leaves, bird droppings and other detritus that accumulates over time!

In the age of global warming and concerns for our Mother Earth, you won’t find a more environmentally safe, fast and effective way to clean your water features than BiOWiSH™ Aqua. This is the positive and beneficial choice to make.
water features
Sunday, April 18, 2010
More Garden to Love
I am awfully glad that we have used our tumbling composter all winter long, as well as a static compost heap to which we've added BiOWiSH™ Compost Boost. What this means is that we have a great supply of garden ready 100% organic compost! We really need all the compost we've made because we are adding to our garden. Out in front of my house will be a garden bed that'll be 4' x 3', and then a larger raised bed in back that'll be 12' x 4' and 16" deep. And I almost forgot the Garbage Can for Potatoes that we'll need to fill as well. So I'm sure that we will use all of our compost just getting those two gardens and garbage can filled with top soil and compost.
Our tumbling composter made composting super easy with it's turn handle and sliding door for adding materials. I make sure that I cut up my kitchen scraps into one inch size pieces...the more sides that can start decomposing the faster the process will be. We add to our kitchen scraps the leaves that were gathered from last fall that we've stored, along with shredded cardboard, a handful of garden soil to add microorganisms and coffee that our local coffee shop has given to us. Giving the tumbler a turn every day or so keeps the air circulating and the microorganisms happy. We check to make sure that the moisture content inside the tumbler is ideal...a handful should feel like a squeezed out sponge...damp but not dripping.
Throughout the fall and winter, as we continued to add composting materials to our tumbler and static heap, I occasionally would wonder what we would do with all the compost that I knew we were making! It seemed like an enormous amount of materials. But as the BiOWiSH™ Compost Boost and microorganisms worked their magic, the materials turned into more compact, rich brown soil-like compost. And the compost itself isn't the only benefit: both my husband and I were pleased at the amount of water we were saving by not running the garbage disposal. We really saw a difference in our last water bill. But now that I think of all the garden that needs the rich nutrients that our compost will deliver, I'm doubly glad that we've made all that compost. I don't think we'll have any to spare for neighbors without composters or compost piles, but I have a feeling we'll have vegetables to share!
Happy Composting!
Our tumbling composter made composting super easy with it's turn handle and sliding door for adding materials. I make sure that I cut up my kitchen scraps into one inch size pieces...the more sides that can start decomposing the faster the process will be. We add to our kitchen scraps the leaves that were gathered from last fall that we've stored, along with shredded cardboard, a handful of garden soil to add microorganisms and coffee that our local coffee shop has given to us. Giving the tumbler a turn every day or so keeps the air circulating and the microorganisms happy. We check to make sure that the moisture content inside the tumbler is ideal...a handful should feel like a squeezed out sponge...damp but not dripping.
Throughout the fall and winter, as we continued to add composting materials to our tumbler and static heap, I occasionally would wonder what we would do with all the compost that I knew we were making! It seemed like an enormous amount of materials. But as the BiOWiSH™ Compost Boost and microorganisms worked their magic, the materials turned into more compact, rich brown soil-like compost. And the compost itself isn't the only benefit: both my husband and I were pleased at the amount of water we were saving by not running the garbage disposal. We really saw a difference in our last water bill. But now that I think of all the garden that needs the rich nutrients that our compost will deliver, I'm doubly glad that we've made all that compost. I don't think we'll have any to spare for neighbors without composters or compost piles, but I have a feeling we'll have vegetables to share!
Happy Composting!
garden beds,
tumbling composters,
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Growing Potatoes in Containers
You may remember, or you may need to check back in the archives for a January blog of mine about growing potatoes in a garbage can. In that blog, I talked about how I loved the idea of growing my own potatoes without having to dedicate so much of my garden space to it. Growing potatoes in a garbage can solved the issue of space requirements, and also watering issues, since hubby is going to place the can under one of our hanging tomato plants that he's set up with a drip system! Clever, isn't he?
So I went out and got a new garbage can for my trash and am ready to drill air holes in the sides of the old garbage can (AFTER I clean it thorougly with BiOWiSH™ Bin Wash. That 100% organic cleaner will remove all the odors and odor causing bacteria from my old trash can so that I can start this grow with a nice clean can.) But then I read an article in my Friday, April 9, 2010 The Denver Post Grow insert called "Potato box yields scads of spuds" and it gave me pause. It seems that this fella, Greg Lutovsky, out of eastern Washington state has developed this 4 foot square spud box that can provide a really impressive yield of potatoes! Mr. Lutovsky lists five steps to succes in this process:
1. Select late-season potatoes. My hubby says this is vitally important because short-season potato varieties produce a limited amount of potatoes and then the plant dies off.
2. Plant in multiple layers; like lasagna, put in a layer of soil, a layer potatoes and additional side panels as the vines grow a foot above the soil level, making sure to leave at least 2/3 of the vine above the new layer of soil.
3. Wind a soaker hose through each successive layer of soil and taters so all layers of roots get even moisture.
4. Provide the potatoes with a medium of loose soil, like compost mixed with potting soil.
5. Don't overfertilize! He recommends a 5-10-10 fertilizer instead of a standard plant food. I think I'll stick to my organic compost that I make in our tumbling composter that our website offers, so that the potato plants will be continuously nourished by the compost.
This all sounds like simple, sound advice. And frankly, harvesting the vegies sounds like a walk in the park! The only trouble is that we'd already planned on a garden addition this spring, adding a raised garden in our backyard so that: a) we have more space to grow vegies and b) we have less lawn to mow (!). This addition will entail a trip to the hardware store for wood, funds for the wood, time planning out where exactly to put it in our yard and how to build it, laying down newspaper over the grass to keep it from growing into the planter and filling it with compost and soil. This is a large enough investment of time and money to have me putting the Potato Box on hold until next year. So if you're interested in growing your own potatoes with a limited amount of space and effort harvesting, and you like woodcrafting, Google "Build a Potato Box" or check out the diagram available on lifehacker.com.
So I went out and got a new garbage can for my trash and am ready to drill air holes in the sides of the old garbage can (AFTER I clean it thorougly with BiOWiSH™ Bin Wash. That 100% organic cleaner will remove all the odors and odor causing bacteria from my old trash can so that I can start this grow with a nice clean can.) But then I read an article in my Friday, April 9, 2010 The Denver Post Grow insert called "Potato box yields scads of spuds" and it gave me pause. It seems that this fella, Greg Lutovsky, out of eastern Washington state has developed this 4 foot square spud box that can provide a really impressive yield of potatoes! Mr. Lutovsky lists five steps to succes in this process:
1. Select late-season potatoes. My hubby says this is vitally important because short-season potato varieties produce a limited amount of potatoes and then the plant dies off.
2. Plant in multiple layers; like lasagna, put in a layer of soil, a layer potatoes and additional side panels as the vines grow a foot above the soil level, making sure to leave at least 2/3 of the vine above the new layer of soil.
3. Wind a soaker hose through each successive layer of soil and taters so all layers of roots get even moisture.
4. Provide the potatoes with a medium of loose soil, like compost mixed with potting soil.
5. Don't overfertilize! He recommends a 5-10-10 fertilizer instead of a standard plant food. I think I'll stick to my organic compost that I make in our tumbling composter that our website offers, so that the potato plants will be continuously nourished by the compost.
This all sounds like simple, sound advice. And frankly, harvesting the vegies sounds like a walk in the park! The only trouble is that we'd already planned on a garden addition this spring, adding a raised garden in our backyard so that: a) we have more space to grow vegies and b) we have less lawn to mow (!). This addition will entail a trip to the hardware store for wood, funds for the wood, time planning out where exactly to put it in our yard and how to build it, laying down newspaper over the grass to keep it from growing into the planter and filling it with compost and soil. This is a large enough investment of time and money to have me putting the Potato Box on hold until next year. So if you're interested in growing your own potatoes with a limited amount of space and effort harvesting, and you like woodcrafting, Google "Build a Potato Box" or check out the diagram available on lifehacker.com.
garden beds,
raised planters,
tumbling composters,
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Getting Started
Gardening is a lesson in self-sufficiency that can begin in early childhood. I had always helped my dad with the Spring planting in our backyard garden. Even though it wasn't extensive, the care of plants helped me understand about nurturing. Dad taught me that if you are careful when the new life begins, and provide the necessary elements of water, sun and nutrient soil your efforts will pay off in beautiful blossoms all summer long. We also grew rhubarb, which I was in charge of harvesting by the time I had lost my first baby tooth. Mother would remove the leaves, wash it, and cut it into one inch pieces. I helped. Then she'd boil it for what seemed like hours until it had the consistency of a watery applesauce. Then the frozen chunk of strawberries would enter the pot, to be boiled down to reduce the liquid. When the sauce had thickened, it would come off the stovetop and I would be in charge of adding the sugar and mixing it in. Of course this also meant that I was the taste tester! Seems like we always had a container of rhubarb sauce in our refrigerator in the summer.
When my folks moved from their single family home to a townhome, my dad sorely missed his garden. He found out that there were plots available at a community garden in our area. He got himself a plot and began his experiment with growing vegetables seriously. I was at college by then and didn't help with the soil preparation or planting. I don't remember if he had seeds that he started inside, or store bought plants. But I do remember that he loved to spend time in his garden, watching over and nurturing the plants, visiting with fellow gardeners, and then harvesting the bounty. Neighbors all around benefited from his garden, since he'd planted way more than he and mom could consume. Mom was never that domestic, so there wasn't a thought given to preserving the crops. Just like his folks had, he and mom enjoyed gathering their fresh picked vegies and cooking them up the same day!
Community gardens are a great opportunity to meet fellow enthusiasts, learn new techniques and get your gardening fix. The produce you grow can feed your family, and if you're not into preserving the excess, it often can be donated to local food banks to provide for those in need. Get some kids involved in your gardening. Help them learn about the soil, the elements required for growing plants, nurturing, how eating right can make you feel better, and different waysto care for others.
Happy Composting!
When my folks moved from their single family home to a townhome, my dad sorely missed his garden. He found out that there were plots available at a community garden in our area. He got himself a plot and began his experiment with growing vegetables seriously. I was at college by then and didn't help with the soil preparation or planting. I don't remember if he had seeds that he started inside, or store bought plants. But I do remember that he loved to spend time in his garden, watching over and nurturing the plants, visiting with fellow gardeners, and then harvesting the bounty. Neighbors all around benefited from his garden, since he'd planted way more than he and mom could consume. Mom was never that domestic, so there wasn't a thought given to preserving the crops. Just like his folks had, he and mom enjoyed gathering their fresh picked vegies and cooking them up the same day!
Community gardens are a great opportunity to meet fellow enthusiasts, learn new techniques and get your gardening fix. The produce you grow can feed your family, and if you're not into preserving the excess, it often can be donated to local food banks to provide for those in need. Get some kids involved in your gardening. Help them learn about the soil, the elements required for growing plants, nurturing, how eating right can make you feel better, and different waysto care for others.
Happy Composting!
sustainable living,
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Experimenting in the Garden World
Here it is, the last day of March, and my seedlings experiment has been very successful! The newspaper 'pots' have held up without any degradation or structural problems, and the seedlings themselves are just so darn cute! I'm particularly fond of the lettuces. Raise your hand if you've ever purchased and eaten baby greens. That's kind of how I feel about the baby lettuces...yummy looking! The spinach are hanging in there as well, and I think that both are ready for regular dosing of BiOWiSH™ to determine what difference it will make on the growth of the plants. I've got five seedlings, so I'll start dosing two (one lettuce and one spinach) and leave the other three plants as my test group. I'll keep you posted on the changes and differences I see. I'll even post pictures!
It's always tempting at this time of year to jump the gun and start full scale planting outside. The weather here along the front range of the Rockies has been spectacular this week. Ok, ok, so we had a little snow last Wednesday. But this last weekend and up until today have been picturesque, so I've been thinking more and more about getting out into the garden. Last weekend I started digging a new area in front of the house along side the driveway. I plan a 3 x 3 foot garden there for zucchini. A neighbor had a front yard planting last year that I always thought so attractive when I'd drive by, that I decided to utilize some of that 'dead' space next to my drive for food! It's unconditioned soil, so I'm going to be adding in a good amount of 100% organic, home grown compost...I'll try to hold out until at least April 16th! Goodness knows we get our share of late frosts and spring snows.
Speaking of adding garden space, I've got a question for you woodworking hobbyists out there. I was planning an addition of a raised bed, maybe 4 or 5 x 3 foot in diameter and two to three feet tall. My husband fantasizes about using recycled plastic boards and specially designed and manufactured corner pieces to hold the walled sides together...to the tune of about $200-$400!! Me, I'm more of a "let's see what we have lying around in our garage that we can put together for our purposes" kinda gal. I know that compromise is important, so in that spirit of compromise, any of you have some ideas about how to put together a low cost, functioning raised garden? A free Six (6) month supply of BiOWiSH™ Compost Boost to the best designer of a low cost raised bed garden!
Happy Composting!
It's always tempting at this time of year to jump the gun and start full scale planting outside. The weather here along the front range of the Rockies has been spectacular this week. Ok, ok, so we had a little snow last Wednesday. But this last weekend and up until today have been picturesque, so I've been thinking more and more about getting out into the garden. Last weekend I started digging a new area in front of the house along side the driveway. I plan a 3 x 3 foot garden there for zucchini. A neighbor had a front yard planting last year that I always thought so attractive when I'd drive by, that I decided to utilize some of that 'dead' space next to my drive for food! It's unconditioned soil, so I'm going to be adding in a good amount of 100% organic, home grown compost...I'll try to hold out until at least April 16th! Goodness knows we get our share of late frosts and spring snows.
Speaking of adding garden space, I've got a question for you woodworking hobbyists out there. I was planning an addition of a raised bed, maybe 4 or 5 x 3 foot in diameter and two to three feet tall. My husband fantasizes about using recycled plastic boards and specially designed and manufactured corner pieces to hold the walled sides together...to the tune of about $200-$400!! Me, I'm more of a "let's see what we have lying around in our garage that we can put together for our purposes" kinda gal. I know that compromise is important, so in that spirit of compromise, any of you have some ideas about how to put together a low cost, functioning raised garden? A free Six (6) month supply of BiOWiSH™ Compost Boost to the best designer of a low cost raised bed garden!
Happy Composting!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Seedling Update Deux
This is week three of the trial - changing how we made the seedling pots from the suggested method on the video (see blog dated February 28th "Making Seedling Pots from Newspaper", and wanting to see if and how well they might hold up after being filled with potting soil (yes! Potting soil!) and compost.
We also want to test out using potting soil instead of a medium made specifically for starting seeds. In the Denver Post article, SEEDS in the Saturday, March 13, 2010 edition of Inside & Out, author Susan Clotfelter insists that seeds need to be started in 'soiless seed-starting medium' or they will experience 'seedling flop'. This is otherwise known as dampening off, which causes the seedlings to fail after sprouting due to fungus in the soil. We're going to try very low dose applications of BiOWiSH™ Aqua as an 100% natural, organic and safe anti-fungal to test whether that will prevent 'seedling flop' in our seeds started in potting soild and compost.
There are now four out of four lettuce seeds that have sprouted, and two of the four spinach seeds. The pots seem to be holding up just fine, and I was outside today in the glorious Colorado afternoon sun mixing in our home grown, 100% organic compost into our garden soil to prepare for planting. We're especially excited this year to see how utilizing BiOWiSH™ Compost Boost in our compost effects plant growth. I'd recommend that you check out BiOWiSH™ Technologies website and read about studies they've been doing on how their products can boost production! Anyway, I do want to complete the experiment with the pots a full six to eight weeks, though, so I'll save transplanting the seedlings until at least the first week of April...maybe longer, unless I can plan on covering up those baby plants when frost or late snow threatens. Meanwhile, we have seedlings started and seeds for outside ready to sow.
Happy Composting!
We also want to test out using potting soil instead of a medium made specifically for starting seeds. In the Denver Post article, SEEDS in the Saturday, March 13, 2010 edition of Inside & Out, author Susan Clotfelter insists that seeds need to be started in 'soiless seed-starting medium' or they will experience 'seedling flop'. This is otherwise known as dampening off, which causes the seedlings to fail after sprouting due to fungus in the soil. We're going to try very low dose applications of BiOWiSH™ Aqua as an 100% natural, organic and safe anti-fungal to test whether that will prevent 'seedling flop' in our seeds started in potting soild and compost.
There are now four out of four lettuce seeds that have sprouted, and two of the four spinach seeds. The pots seem to be holding up just fine, and I was outside today in the glorious Colorado afternoon sun mixing in our home grown, 100% organic compost into our garden soil to prepare for planting. We're especially excited this year to see how utilizing BiOWiSH™ Compost Boost in our compost effects plant growth. I'd recommend that you check out BiOWiSH™ Technologies website and read about studies they've been doing on how their products can boost production! Anyway, I do want to complete the experiment with the pots a full six to eight weeks, though, so I'll save transplanting the seedlings until at least the first week of April...maybe longer, unless I can plan on covering up those baby plants when frost or late snow threatens. Meanwhile, we have seedlings started and seeds for outside ready to sow.
Happy Composting!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Seedling Update, etc.
Our seeds went into my newspaper seedling pots on Monday, March 1st and have been in my kitchen garden window. As of today, Wednesday, March 10th, there are two seedlings sprouting out of the eight pots. Both are lettuces…no spinach sprouts yet. Hubby is worried. I’m more of an optimist, but will note that the first three nights the pots spent in the window, which does get cold at night. Not a whole lot of insulation between the floor of the window and the outside. In fact, I’ve insulated between the pots and the floor of the window to keep the temperature more even, and am taking the pots out of the window at night. Since we keep our house at a brisk 62 degrees at night, hubby recommended that they go in the oven overnight, which I thought was a good idea. So into the oven they go, at night (of course it’s off!) Will keep you posted as to progress. I’m ready, this weekend, to start my impatients.
I also wanted to comment on an article I read in March/April AARP magazine (oops, just gave away a hint as to my age!) The article is called “It Is Easy Being Green”, and talked about a global group of eco-minded organizations called Earth Day Network. This network is trying to encourage people worldwide to one billion Earth Day “acts of green” on April 22nd this year; something as simple as picking up litter to organizing cleanup crews for a polluted river. I’m going to see if hubby wants to participate by donating BiOWiSH-Aqua™ to the local Parks and Recreation Department. Since it is a completely organic and ecologically harmless method of maintaining proper pond chemistry, and since it would be FREE, I think they will be very interested!
You can register your green act online at billionactsofgreen.net. The article also referenced a link for new tool kits that offer simple tips on going green. The link is createthegood.org/diy-toolkits.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Skunk Odor Removal
I've been fortunate to never have a dog that got sprayed by a skunk, and I think it's remarkable! My last dog, Indy, a Brittany Spaniel whose ancesters were bred to flush birds in the fields for hunters, loved to chase rabbits. Birds were only mildly interesting, but rabbits! He was no dummy...he knew he couldn't get a bird, but a rabbit stayed on the ground, and ran, and could be chased. Maybe it was all in the chase. I'll never know, but he surely loved to run in open fields and flush out bunnies. He used to get down in the dry stream beds, where I was certain that someday he'd flush out and get sprayed by a skunk. He never did get skunked, but I have plenty of friends and relatives that have experienced it and were anxious to share their horror stories. Tales of folks not realizing that their dog has been skunked until a moment too late, when the dog has run into the house, given a good shake and promptly jumped on the nearest couch, chair or bed. The better to share the smell and spread it around!
I know of a woman here in town that owns a doggy daycare who's been having multiple horror stories occurring in her place of business. My husband says it's skunk season, when they are waking from their light hibernations. Anyway, this woman sent out an S.O.S., as she was spending a small fortune on shampoos and the old standby - tomato juice. Wouldn't be so bad if they worked, but they typically are very effective.
We suggested that she try BiOWiSH™ Cleaner & Deodorizer 100% organic, it utilizes the unique core BiOWiSH™ Enzyme Technology to quickly remove odors at the molecular level and does not simply mask odors as is common with many deodorants or deodorizers.
Additionally there is a residual action that continues to remove odors in between applications.
A representative from BiOWiSH™ Technologies suggested that this doggy daycare owner mix up a batch of the BiOWiSH™ Cleaner & Deodorizer by adding one of it's sachets to 16 oz. of warm water. Let it set for 15 minutes or so to allow the enzymes to activate. While she waits, she can use a regular shampoo (I always used a no tears generic baby shampoo on my pooch) to clean off some of the oil. After the shampoo is rinsed out, spray the dog's fur thoroughly with the solution of Cleaner and Deodorizer. And If they have, like stories I've heard, infected every nearby surface with skunk odor, the next most cost effective step would be an application of BiOWiSH-Odor™. Made with the same enzyme technology, BiOWiSH-Odor™ benefits include:
· Fast acting
· Removes rather than masks odor
· Cost effective
· Operative at low dosage rates
· Wide range of operative conditions
· Long residual effective period
· Natural anti-microbial action – sanitizes as it works
· 100% organic
· Non-toxic, non-chemical, non-pathogenic
· Harmless to humans and the environment
Since it's enzymes need to be kept moist to remain active, she may benefit by covering those smelly inanimate objects that she's needing to deodorize with a plastic sheet. Once the enzymes dry out, they die out.
The first five people to try this and respond will receive $5.00 off their next order of any BiOWiSH™ Products. Happy composting, and happy deodorizing!
I know of a woman here in town that owns a doggy daycare who's been having multiple horror stories occurring in her place of business. My husband says it's skunk season, when they are waking from their light hibernations. Anyway, this woman sent out an S.O.S., as she was spending a small fortune on shampoos and the old standby - tomato juice. Wouldn't be so bad if they worked, but they typically are very effective.
We suggested that she try BiOWiSH™ Cleaner & Deodorizer 100% organic, it utilizes the unique core BiOWiSH™ Enzyme Technology to quickly remove odors at the molecular level and does not simply mask odors as is common with many deodorants or deodorizers.
Additionally there is a residual action that continues to remove odors in between applications.
A representative from BiOWiSH™ Technologies suggested that this doggy daycare owner mix up a batch of the BiOWiSH™ Cleaner & Deodorizer by adding one of it's sachets to 16 oz. of warm water. Let it set for 15 minutes or so to allow the enzymes to activate. While she waits, she can use a regular shampoo (I always used a no tears generic baby shampoo on my pooch) to clean off some of the oil. After the shampoo is rinsed out, spray the dog's fur thoroughly with the solution of Cleaner and Deodorizer. And If they have, like stories I've heard, infected every nearby surface with skunk odor, the next most cost effective step would be an application of BiOWiSH-Odor™. Made with the same enzyme technology, BiOWiSH-Odor™ benefits include:
· Fast acting
· Removes rather than masks odor
· Cost effective
· Operative at low dosage rates
· Wide range of operative conditions
· Long residual effective period
· Natural anti-microbial action – sanitizes as it works
· 100% organic
· Non-toxic, non-chemical, non-pathogenic
· Harmless to humans and the environment
Since it's enzymes need to be kept moist to remain active, she may benefit by covering those smelly inanimate objects that she's needing to deodorize with a plastic sheet. Once the enzymes dry out, they die out.
The first five people to try this and respond will receive $5.00 off their next order of any BiOWiSH™ Products. Happy composting, and happy deodorizing!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
An Experiment with Starter Pots
After I made bunches of seedling starter pots and packed them snuggly in their trays, I spoke with a friend about what I'd accomplished. We discussed the various changes to the procedure that I'd made, why I made the changes, and what I might expect as a result.
This friend (we'll call her JS) expressed her concerns about using only a half a sheet of newspaper, rather than the whole sheet that had been suggested by the video on Ehow.com by the Ehow Presenter Willi Evans Galloway. JS was concerned about the efficacy (I just love that word, don't you?!) of the pot, whether it could hold up during the 6-8 weeks of water and sun. And so the experiment has begun. As of this morning, eight newspaper seedling starter pots are filled with a mix of potting soil and home made, organic compost Four of the pots have lettuce seeds, and four have been planted with spinach seeds. They are basking in the southern exposure of my kitchen garden window, soaking up the light and warmth from the sun, drawing in nutrients from the compost and water. I'll keep you posted on the progress of the seedlings and their pots. Will the pots last?
This friend (we'll call her JS) expressed her concerns about using only a half a sheet of newspaper, rather than the whole sheet that had been suggested by the video on Ehow.com by the Ehow Presenter Willi Evans Galloway. JS was concerned about the efficacy (I just love that word, don't you?!) of the pot, whether it could hold up during the 6-8 weeks of water and sun. And so the experiment has begun. As of this morning, eight newspaper seedling starter pots are filled with a mix of potting soil and home made, organic compost Four of the pots have lettuce seeds, and four have been planted with spinach seeds. They are basking in the southern exposure of my kitchen garden window, soaking up the light and warmth from the sun, drawing in nutrients from the compost and water. I'll keep you posted on the progress of the seedlings and their pots. Will the pots last?
Sunday, February 28, 2010
We Made Seedling Starter Pots from Newspaper
You may remember (that is, if there are actually, factually people out there reading this) reading my blog of Jan. 6th that included a link to a video about making starter pots out of newspaper. If you've tried this, you no doubt have made some adjustments to the procedure. We made our first pots last night, and here's how we changed the process:
1. I thought that using a whole sheet of newspaper was too much...too much newspaper, more difficult to fold into the glass, plus I hoped that using less might make it easier to break down in the soil so that we could just plant the seedling pot and all instead of removing it from the pot. I like to jostle the seedlings as little as possible! So I started with half a sheet of newspaper.
2. Then I was folding it into thirds (again, less newspaper on the sides, bottom) rather than half and then half again, so that I could have a little taller pot to start out with. I can also, then, have a little more length at the bottom so that I'm sure to completely cover the bottom and not have soil drop out.
3. I folded the top over a little, like 1/2 an inch or so, thinking that it will hold it all together a little better.
4. Finally, I used a jar to roll the newspaper up with because I don't have a straight sided drinking glass and didn't want to go buy one. I also used a slightly smaller jar to mash down into the pot to flatten the bottom better.
5. Into the soil that we fill each pot with, we'll be mixing in our home made compost so that we really give our seeds a great medium to start in. I'm also planning on using a very low dose of BiOWiSH-Aqua™ on a control group of seedlings once they sprout to see what difference it will make on their rate of growth and production. The BiOWiSH Technologies folks have done a study on hydroponically grown lettuce and BiOWiSH-Aqua™ with great results.
6. I know they recommended, in the video, removing the pot before planting. Hubby says the pots will break down "in no time". I'm alittle worried about stunting the growth by making it more difficult for the roots to spread out into the garden soil. I'm thinking that putting slits into the newspaper every 1/2 inch or so will reduce the effort that the roots have to go through to break out of their pots. We may have a control group for this, as well.
We're ready with our pots, and the trays that they'll set in. Hubby is online right now ordering our seeds. I'm even going to start my impatients from seed. I never have before, but he has, so I'm willing to give it the college try. I figure I'll save about $50 on the impatients alone. I hope it works, because my front yard, raised bed for impatients next to my porch are a highlight of my summer!
We have a garden window in our kitchen made for plants. It has traditionally housed only succulents and cacti, because it faces south and I have had a challenge keeping greenery watered enough. With hubby's help and extra care, we've added a potted oregano plant that has been doing just fine. Into this window, we'll be putting 4 trays of starter pots (28 pots in each tray). Another 4 trays (containing the same number of pots) will go under a grow light in the garage. Wish us luck. I have my mouth all set for those vegies!
Happy Composting!
1. I thought that using a whole sheet of newspaper was too much...too much newspaper, more difficult to fold into the glass, plus I hoped that using less might make it easier to break down in the soil so that we could just plant the seedling pot and all instead of removing it from the pot. I like to jostle the seedlings as little as possible! So I started with half a sheet of newspaper.
2. Then I was folding it into thirds (again, less newspaper on the sides, bottom) rather than half and then half again, so that I could have a little taller pot to start out with. I can also, then, have a little more length at the bottom so that I'm sure to completely cover the bottom and not have soil drop out.
3. I folded the top over a little, like 1/2 an inch or so, thinking that it will hold it all together a little better.
4. Finally, I used a jar to roll the newspaper up with because I don't have a straight sided drinking glass and didn't want to go buy one. I also used a slightly smaller jar to mash down into the pot to flatten the bottom better.
5. Into the soil that we fill each pot with, we'll be mixing in our home made compost so that we really give our seeds a great medium to start in. I'm also planning on using a very low dose of BiOWiSH-Aqua™ on a control group of seedlings once they sprout to see what difference it will make on their rate of growth and production. The BiOWiSH Technologies folks have done a study on hydroponically grown lettuce and BiOWiSH-Aqua™ with great results.
6. I know they recommended, in the video, removing the pot before planting. Hubby says the pots will break down "in no time". I'm alittle worried about stunting the growth by making it more difficult for the roots to spread out into the garden soil. I'm thinking that putting slits into the newspaper every 1/2 inch or so will reduce the effort that the roots have to go through to break out of their pots. We may have a control group for this, as well.
We're ready with our pots, and the trays that they'll set in. Hubby is online right now ordering our seeds. I'm even going to start my impatients from seed. I never have before, but he has, so I'm willing to give it the college try. I figure I'll save about $50 on the impatients alone. I hope it works, because my front yard, raised bed for impatients next to my porch are a highlight of my summer!
We have a garden window in our kitchen made for plants. It has traditionally housed only succulents and cacti, because it faces south and I have had a challenge keeping greenery watered enough. With hubby's help and extra care, we've added a potted oregano plant that has been doing just fine. Into this window, we'll be putting 4 trays of starter pots (28 pots in each tray). Another 4 trays (containing the same number of pots) will go under a grow light in the garage. Wish us luck. I have my mouth all set for those vegies!
Happy Composting!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Chickens in Urban Gardens
When I was young we used to get fresh eggs and bushels of apples right off the trees from a small farm in Ontario, Canada. I remember they always tasted so fabulous, and now that I'm grown, and I know how long produce can sit on shelves in storage areas or on trucks or railcars, I know exactly why the food straight from the farmer's doorstep tasted so much better. It made complete sense to me, then, when I read an article about a movement that's been formed here in Denver, Colorado to make getting and keeping a permit for livestock a whole lot easier. The article, called "Fowl lovers unite to streamline Denver chicken laws" by Joel Warner was in The Denver Post on Monday, Mar. 16 2009.
Right now it seems to be a somewhat expensive and time consuming process to get and keep a permit. But personally, I'm all for people being more responsible for their own consumption, so anything that makes that process easier is okay by me. I mean, look at the benefits:
· It's fast acting
· It's cost effective
· It's operative at low dosage rates
· It works in a wide range of operative conditions
· It has a long residual effective period
· It's all natural anti-microbial action – sanitizes as it works
· 100% organic
· and it's harmless to humans and the environment
Maybe I need to share the above with the Denver Community Planning and Development spokesman Julius Zsako. He expects a city council discussion "sometime in the near future".
I think the City Council needs to know about BiOWiSH-Odor™ so they can be relieved of worries on the point of odor issues. Just sayin'. By the way, the article in The Denver Post also expected the proposed changes to-
Right now it seems to be a somewhat expensive and time consuming process to get and keep a permit. But personally, I'm all for people being more responsible for their own consumption, so anything that makes that process easier is okay by me. I mean, look at the benefits:
- You know what you're eating, what's gone into it and what hasn't
- It's fresher
- Growing your own reduces transportation and storage costs and expenses
- It tastes better when you've worked for it
- A sense of accomplishment
- It should be less expensive
· It's fast acting
· It's cost effective
· It's operative at low dosage rates
· It works in a wide range of operative conditions
· It has a long residual effective period
· It's all natural anti-microbial action – sanitizes as it works
· 100% organic
· and it's harmless to humans and the environment
Maybe I need to share the above with the Denver Community Planning and Development spokesman Julius Zsako. He expects a city council discussion "sometime in the near future".
I think the City Council needs to know about BiOWiSH-Odor™ so they can be relieved of worries on the point of odor issues. Just sayin'. By the way, the article in The Denver Post also expected the proposed changes to-
"go through without much of a feathered fight. After all, the city council
voted last November to allow residents to keep beehives in their backyards
and officials seem to be similarly convivial to this proposal.
"I'm for anything that makes the process easier, as long as it's effective,"
says Denver Animal Care and Control's Kelley."
I'd be curious to know just how many people in Denver would really be interested and inclined to have chickens in their urban gardens. I wonder if anybody has studied that? I know I'd like to have some chickens in my garden. They don’t have to take up much room, and oh, for fresh eggs once again!
odor removers,
sustainable living
Friday, February 19, 2010
Calling Out for Recipes
I’ve been here blogging for 53 days and, so far, I have no fans. Does that mean that no body even reads these? I’m thinking maybe not, maybe it doesn’t mean that because last night I was reading a blog written by a woman who quit her 9 to 5 job and moved to a small farm in northern Michigan. I guess I didn’t have to become a fan to read her blog. So maybe there are folks out there who read this. If so, and you have a recipe to share, I hope you’ll let me know. I must say that I’d be thrilled to get ANY recipe, but I am particularly calling out for recipes that will include fresh veggies that I plan to grow in my garden. Even more particularly, but not exclusively, recipes for GREENS.
The reason I bring this up now, when it's still only mid-February and there's still snow on the ground is that I was at Home Depot yesterday perusing the seed packets. Red Swiss Chard caught my eye, partly because the leaves remind me of beet greens, which I love, love, love! But I’ve never cooked Swiss chard before. (Call me backward, if you must!) In my defense, since I’m probably the only one who will put up defense, I know it’s healthy as all get out. Heck, back in the day, I used to juice chard leaves with carrots and apple, sometimes with wheat grass thrown in for added enzyme, free radical kickin’ punch. Few things in life beat the antioxidant rush of freshly juiced veggies! Especially those grown organically, eh?
So I know I can use chard leaves in a juicer, but I would have to redesign my garden for that program big time. Plus, the seed packet of interest indicated that, at least in this variety, the stalks were prized as much as the leaves. What to do with the stalks? For the leaves, I like to steam them until they wilt, then give them a nice, ice cold bath. Chop them up and sauté them in a little olive oil with chopped onion and garlic, add a little salt and pepper and a tsp of bacon drippings for flavor. Simmer for about 10 minutes to let the flavors blend together and it’s ready to eat! Yum!
If you’re out there, reading but not becoming a fan, and would like to share a recipe or two for healthy (I know I forgot to specify healthy before) vegetables, please feel free! I’d love to hear from you!
The reason I bring this up now, when it's still only mid-February and there's still snow on the ground is that I was at Home Depot yesterday perusing the seed packets. Red Swiss Chard caught my eye, partly because the leaves remind me of beet greens, which I love, love, love! But I’ve never cooked Swiss chard before. (Call me backward, if you must!) In my defense, since I’m probably the only one who will put up defense, I know it’s healthy as all get out. Heck, back in the day, I used to juice chard leaves with carrots and apple, sometimes with wheat grass thrown in for added enzyme, free radical kickin’ punch. Few things in life beat the antioxidant rush of freshly juiced veggies! Especially those grown organically, eh?
So I know I can use chard leaves in a juicer, but I would have to redesign my garden for that program big time. Plus, the seed packet of interest indicated that, at least in this variety, the stalks were prized as much as the leaves. What to do with the stalks? For the leaves, I like to steam them until they wilt, then give them a nice, ice cold bath. Chop them up and sauté them in a little olive oil with chopped onion and garlic, add a little salt and pepper and a tsp of bacon drippings for flavor. Simmer for about 10 minutes to let the flavors blend together and it’s ready to eat! Yum!
If you’re out there, reading but not becoming a fan, and would like to share a recipe or two for healthy (I know I forgot to specify healthy before) vegetables, please feel free! I’d love to hear from you!
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