Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Benefits of Nurturing Your Soil

Nuturing your soil by adding organic matter is the number one foundation of gardening the organic way. Adding organic nutrients to the soil simulates what happens naturally. One of the best ways to provide organic nutrients to the soil is by adding mature compost.
This critical step to growing food organically by maintaining a supply of nutrients ready for your plants to take up as they need them is easy to do with a tumbling composter. Just add your organic kitchen scraps, yard refuse and BiOWiSH™ Compost Boost to your tumbling composter, give it a turn or two and plan where you'll be using the wonderful, rich compost that will result. Using organic compost, your plants will grow healthy and vigorously, which helps prevent attacks of pest and disease. You will also enjoy larger yields and quicker growing times.
Some of the other benefits from nurturing your soil with organic compost include:
1. It will improve the ability of your soil to retain moisture
2. Compost releases nutrients evenly and slowly
3. Your soil's microbiological activity will increase
4. Improved conditions and structure of your soil will mean a better environment for earthworms and healthy micro-organisms
5. It helps dispose of your organic waste
6. It reduces the loads on landfills
7. Composting will also reduce your water consumption

A tumbling composter will provide you with the above benefits and a continual supply of organic compost with which you can nurture your soil and plants. It's easy, healthful and cost effective, too. Stop by and pick out a composter that will fit your budget and your gardening needs! Happy Composting!

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