Friday, February 19, 2010

Calling Out for Recipes

I’ve been here blogging for 53 days and, so far, I have no fans. Does that mean that no body even reads these? I’m thinking maybe not, maybe it doesn’t mean that because last night I was reading a blog written by a woman who quit her 9 to 5 job and moved to a small farm in northern Michigan. I guess I didn’t have to become a fan to read her blog. So maybe there are folks out there who read this. If so, and you have a recipe to share, I hope you’ll let me know. I must say that I’d be thrilled to get ANY recipe, but I am particularly calling out for recipes that will include fresh veggies that I plan to grow in my garden. Even more particularly, but not exclusively, recipes for GREENS.

The reason I bring this up now, when it's still only mid-February and there's still snow on the ground is that I was at Home Depot yesterday perusing the seed packets. Red Swiss Chard caught my eye, partly because the leaves remind me of beet greens, which I love, love, love! But I’ve never cooked Swiss chard before. (Call me backward, if you must!) In my defense, since I’m probably the only one who will put up defense, I know it’s healthy as all get out. Heck, back in the day, I used to juice chard leaves with carrots and apple, sometimes with wheat grass thrown in for added enzyme, free radical kickin’ punch. Few things in life beat the antioxidant rush of freshly juiced veggies! Especially those grown organically, eh?

So I know I can use chard leaves in a juicer, but I would have to redesign my garden for that program big time. Plus, the seed packet of interest indicated that, at least in this variety, the stalks were prized as much as the leaves. What to do with the stalks? For the leaves, I like to steam them until they wilt, then give them a nice, ice cold bath. Chop them up and sauté them in a little olive oil with chopped onion and garlic, add a little salt and pepper and a tsp of bacon drippings for flavor. Simmer for about 10 minutes to let the flavors blend together and it’s ready to eat! Yum!

If you’re out there, reading but not becoming a fan, and would like to share a recipe or two for healthy (I know I forgot to specify healthy before) vegetables, please feel free! I’d love to hear from you!

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