Thursday, February 11, 2010

Classes for Composting Project

Pepsi has a very cool philanthropic streak. Did you know that Pepsi has a website,, where individuals, non profit organizations and businesses (those earning less than $250,000/year) can apply for grant money? How cool is that?!?!

A few years ago I attended a grant writing class and was fascinated at the thought of getting funded for charitable projects. I even wrote the idea down in my goal planner – “Within 5 years, write a grant”.

My notes from the class resurfaced from the depths of my stacks of notebooks, rather unexpectedly last week. This happened right after my husband and I were discussing a project dear to our hearts. See, we know that in Sweden, Joraform composters are being put to use in preschools and grade schools throughout the country. In this project, the students learn about the importance of reducing, reusing and recycling, and the impact that these practices have on our environment. The amount of kitchen waste from the cafeteria and the water used to run a garbage disposal are greatly reduced by composting. An added benefit is the compost that results and can be put to use naturally fertilizing gardens and lawns.

All good, yes? We think so too, which is why we would like to provide composters, BiOWiSH™ Compost Boost (a composting accelerant), some extra composting supplies and tools, and training in schools in our area. That’s what we were discussing when I found my grant writing class notes! Just a strange coincidence? Maybe.

I have to say, though, that the notes, and memories from the class that came back to me made grant writing sound a little like a military campaign. According to the class, you need a group of people for the grant writing process, which includes plenty of researching, planning, writing and follow up time. Unfortunately a daunting prospect!

Then yesterday I saw an advertisement for the Pepsi grants website and got jazzed again at the thought of being able to do charitable projects (with other people’s money!). (Another coincidence?)  I’d love to be in a position to fund my own projects with my own riches…if I had any, which I don’t, so I won’t. But the Pepsi application process was straightforward and fairly easy to complete, walking you through the procedure. The biggest difficulty I encountered was deciding which category to enter my project under, education or the environment? Really it should be under both categories, but as a teacher, I chose the former.

Pepsi accepts 1,000 project ideas each month! I found out about it too late for the February submission. But I did complete my application, which will be posted on March 1st. So PLEASE help me get approval for my project in March. You can go to: and (make sure you’re in the education category) PLEASE, PLEASE consider voting for my “Classes for Composting” project! Thank you!

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