When (not if! I believe that eventually we’ll all be composting in our efforts to live sustainably.) you decide to compost, there are two important things to consider. One is the amount of space that you have to work in, and the other is how much, or little, effort you want to put into it. Take heart! With the right equipment—and a small amount of effort—you can continually create an copious capacity of compost quickly and easily in a limited amount of yard, patio or roof space. Let’s first consider this question of space.
To Batch, or Not to Batch
If you’re going to batch compost, you’ll need space for:
· one batch of working compost, and
· Additionally it’s nice to have a spot where you can lay some tarp down and spread the ‘finished’ compost for a little airing. It’s not that it has a bad odor! This pile should smell like rich, fertile soil.
Depending on how large of a batch, or pile of compost that you want to work with, you’ll want a space no smaller than two by two feet. Most I’ve seen run larger, to as big as I’ve seen, six by six foot. Storage can be a bucket or the size of a trash can. We do our share of tree trimming, so we’ve usually got a space designated for branches to be chipped up for mulch or compost. The area for airing your compost will need to be no smaller than a three by three foot space, but can take up a twelve by twelve foot tarp. How big is your garden? How much compost will you need?
Continuous Composters

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